
The obligatory company party turns into a memorable chance encounter.

It was a gorgeous summer's eve, a great evening for

kayaking along one of the areas quiet streams, a

strenuous tennis match, or just some light

conversation on the veranda with a nice view and

pleasant conversation. However, in this day of

at-will employment and frequent down-sizing, one has

to invest some amount of time in business networking,

and so that is what I am trying to optimistically

portray this evening's social time as. That would

be, instead of as the boorish boss's wife's birthday


It is a pool-party, so at least I hope perhaps to work

in some part of two out of three of the earlier

niceties of the evening. Some water, and perhaps some

good conversation. I have plenty of fantasies about

things surrounding water, and not all of them have to

do with recreation and sports.

Anyway, there is a good crowd there. A long table

filled with fruits, veggies, cake, and hors d' ourves

is set along one side, between the house and the pool

on a low-hanging tablecloth. Around the other three

sides are plastic chairs and padded chaise lounge. A

large side table and a big basket supply large, thick

towels off in one corner. The lights in the pool and

the flickering light from several kerosene torches on

tall standards around the pool provide light, and the

torches seem to be keeping the misquitoes away. All

in all, a very nice setting. Too bad there are all

these people here. Oh, I like people. Am very much

a people-liking person. I just like to pick them

myself. Not likely that the boss might surround

himself with anyone I would pick.

I am mixing, drink and small plate in hand, talking

about the upcoming Premier league season. Dress was

announced as casual, so I am in mid-thigh cotton khaki

shorts, a white polo shirt, and casual flip-flops.

The conversation keeps drifting back to last seasons results, for which I

have little interest, so I start to mentally survey

the party, and the chances of escaping serriptitously


As my eyes rove around the dark perimeter, I see a

back gate open, and someone slip in, closing the gate

behind them. A service worker perhaps? Perhaps a way

out has been revealed….

My eyes continue to circumnavigate the setting, noting

the cliques of people, and those that are slipping

into the water for a few laps, or some idle treading

of water while chatting. Always a flow of people at

the refreshment table. My eyes are stopped dead in

their roving tracks by a very nice pair of calves.

Very shapely, very female, and leading up to a very

nice pair of shorts and halter top, and a cute but

very luxurious looking bob of hair. Well now, some

real eye candy. Where did she come from? A relation

of the boss'? Haven't seen pictures of her around

his office. Am certain I would have noticed, from the

many times I have been in there for not-so-interesting


I decide my drinks needs freshening. I amble over,

and put a few carrot sticks and cherry tomatoes on my

plate, and pour myself some apple juice. My eyes

casually rove from face to face, until I settle on

you. Nice skin, all over! Shoulders, waist, legs,

very, very nice. I especially like, but do not allow

myself to linger too long, at the generous bulging of

your bosom at seemingly all sides of your tight halter

top. It is white, probably a vertical ribed cotton

material, and seems barely adequate to the strain it

is under. But, as I said, I take little time with

these observations. Your eyes are very alluring,

though I am only seeing them in peripheral view, again

trying not to stare. One only really knows about the

eyes when looking straight into them, and we are not

familiar enough yet to have that happen. And they are

darting, looking a little nervous perhaps?

I sidle over, looking over the culinary offerings, and

murmer out loud, "Everything looks so good, doesn't

it." I can tell you hear me, but seem to be wanting

to keep a low profile, I get no response. Others are

looking at you, the women with some surveying-type

interest, and several of the men with more lecherous

smirks and lingering looks….I gather that several

people are trying to figure out who you are, and who

you are with. I continue, "there is enough to graze

on here for a long evening." You respond, in a very

pleasant soft voice, "depends on what entices one's

appetite, I suppose."

I follow-up, "pardon my saying so, and by the way, I

am Chase, but you either work it all off, or are

selective in that of which you partake."

"A little of both, I guess. I feel responsible for

taking care of myself."

Moving a little closer, and lowering my voice, "And

you do a very good job of it."

"Thanks, I guess. A few of these folks around here

should certainly consider it a little more seriously."

I continue, "Yeah, a lot of office desk jockeys here.

Do you work for Mr. Detloff, I take it?"

You pause for a second, then, "No."

"Ah, a friend? What did you bring, if I may ask, for

his wife? I had the hardest time, so just got a gift

certificate from that high-end place at the mall…. So

hard to know what to get for a woman that you barely

know, in these days of political correctness and such.

So many worries about the wrong impression."

I get the sense that perhaps you are checking me out,

wary of where this conversation might be going, with

me asking all these questions. "Well, yes, a friend,

I guess, but no, I suppose," you laugh, " bringing

something from Victoria's Secret or such would make

things awkward, or interesting. Then again, I like to

live a little daring. "

"Yeah, this kind of thing is not for me….pardon my

sneaky little thought, but wouldn't it be fun to bring

something a bit racy or suggestive, and do so

anonymously? Would certainly be a rear-area

conversation starter!"

You laugh, relaxing a bit, and we move over towards

one corner of the pool, near one of the flickering

torches. "That would make the party very

interesting. Do you know the family very well, er,

Chase? Sorry, no name tags, and I am not great with names."

"No, I have been working for him for a little over a

year, and this is the first time I have met his wife

other than in seeing her visit the office sometimes.

Kind of strange to invite all these people to what

would seem to be an intimate family affair."

"Oh, she loves parties, is always throwing some kind

of gathering. Perhaps since he is gone so much, it is

her way of compensating for social interaction. "

"Well, she throws a good party…..though this is not

really my scene. I am here kind of out of obligation.

Do you come to many of their parties then?"

"No, this is only the second time. I have used the

pool a few times, but, well, can I tell you


"Sure," thinking this is great, already she is

comfortable enough to be confiding in me, " go ahead.

I am good at secrets!"

"I am not really a friend, or even invited." Your

eyes search mine, looking for a reaction, tentative,

soft, trusting, but wary.

"Ah, so you too like a little excitement?" My mind is

racing… she playing me, humoring me, testing my

waters, so to speak? "That sounds kind of fun.

Definitely more exciting that the mundane regularity

of being an invited guest." I hope that did not sound

caustic, and then it hits me. "You came in via a back

gate a few minutes ago! I saw you, but the bushes

kept me from getting a good enough glimpse to

recognize it was you!"

"Yes, that was me!" I love the giggle that escapes

your throat. "I am living next door, temporarily."

You go on to explain that while there is a pool next

door, that this one is more fun for swimming laps

(which explains your svelte and lithe but firm lines!)

– that you slip over from time-to-time, and that the

only one who knows is the boss's 15-yr old son, who

has seen you from an upper window. You are just out

of a messy relationship, and are staying with a

friend, the one who lives next door.

"How long you staying at the party then? Going to

take a swim, or just enjoying the hors d' ouerves?"

I realize I made it sound as though you were

interloping out of need. I hope you didn't take it

that way.

Thankfully, you let it go. "Oh, just until it gets


"Well, you have certainly made my evening more

entertaining," I offer, "and, I hope you aren't

reaching that stage too soon. I am sorry, I did not

get your name?"

You tell me, and offer your hand. I gladly take it,

gently, firmly, and don't let go for a moment,

relishing the smile and chance to look directly into

your eyes. "Now I know why I didn't notice you the

first moment I arrived."

You respond, "now that we have met, Chase, it might

look as though I am your invited partner or associate,

which gives me a little apparent legitimacy. I was

figuring perhaps I would tell people I was the boss's

niece or cousin, and then disappear when it appeared

someone mentioned me to him….kind of a cat and mouse

thing, combined with that Chinese whispers/gossip


"You certainly have a great idea for a fun evening.

You remind me of the younger sister of a girl I dated.

She was too young for me, but she had a lot of

vibrant zest for life and was very spontaneous. I

used to wish I had been more her style."

You offer thanks for the sideways compliment, and

putting your finger to your mouth ( a very sexy

gesture, might I add!) you whisper, "what kind of

trouble can I start here perhaps this evening. Of

course, I cannot start acting too brash or strange, as

that would not reflect well on you, now that you have

been seen standing here talking to me….."

"I hope I haven't ruined your fun, or that you will

not desist in deference to me…..we don't have to be

linked, other than that I was chatting with you." No

one, I know, would misunderstand my interest in

chatting with you. I have relished this time being

able to see you smile, hear you laugh, watch your

hands and eyes, and try to control my eyes from taking

you in long and slow…..

Just then, the boss calls out loudly for everyone to

eat up, that a thunderstorm is approaching, and that

we are going to move inside in 5 minutes for the cake

and such.

"Wanna take a dip? I don't think I will go in to the

party, so might as well at least get wet," you


"Or, are you going inside?"

Well, this was not the out I was anticipating, but

certainly not one I am going to pass up. "Sure, I am

good for the dip, and also grateful for the excuse to

escape the party."

We walk over to set our paper cups and plates down,

and after shimmy out of your shorts, you enter the

pool by means of the steps. I stop to step out of my

sandals, and to drop my shorts and lay them over a

chair. I stumble a bit, trying to get my legs out,

transfixed by the scantiness of the bikini you are

wearing under your shorts, and the generous flare of

hips from your much narrower waist. Neither of us

has removed their top…..

"Mmmm, the water is warm," you say, as you are dipping

your hands in and rubing the water up your arms.

I get in as quickly as I can, almost waist deep, as I

am barrassed about everyone seeing my natural

reaction to your almost naked lower half. I know

almost all eyes are upon us, especially since we were

just told that we were moving inside. We stand in

the waist-deep end of the pool, continuing to chat and

scheme about how we could make this party more

interesting. I am highly aroused at some of your

suggestions, such as skinny dipping, or cavoring in

very friendly terms, just to enjoy a little


I am a little wary, wondering if you might follow your

mental urges, and how I will explain it away on

Monday. I know we are certainly almost the center of

attention, though conversations still continue on

around us. But, as we are now the only ones in the

pool, with everyone else drying off, filling their

plates and cups, I can't relax like I was when we were

chatting poolside. Just then, a flash of light

overhead distracts everyone, and they generally start

to head for the back of the house.

There are a couple calls out to us to follow, and I

respond that I will in a few moments. Folks start

gathering trays and pots of food, and busily forget

about us, it seems. A couple more cautionary warnings

about the approaching storm, and suddenly we are


Turning back to you, your eyes so entrancing, I

murmer, "so, come here often, do you?"

You reach up, and undo your hair, letting it fall to

your shoulders, sexily shaking it out.

"Yes, but so often I am alone….or most of the time."

"Who else do you bring along?" Another crash of

lightening, but already I can tell it is moving south

of us. I love the way your wet shoulders and arms,

beaded with water, reflect to the intermittent

flashing of the lightening, and the flickering of the

torches around the pool.

"Oh, no one, but rber I told you about the boss's

son. He likes to watch from upstairs."

With that, you lay back in the water, and backstroke

away from me. What a tease you are, conversationally

as well as physically! I shuck my shirt over my head,

tossing it to the side of the pool, and follow you,

using a crawlstroke to catch up with you, then turning

to my back to float next to you. After all, I don't

care to miss a bit of visual pleasure in looking at


"And so, has this son caught you skinny dipping? I

take it you do do that, or is it still in fanciful


Turning at the end of the pool, you tell me, "Oh yes,

he caught me unawares….but since he never seems to

have told on me, I didn't worry."

"So," furtively enjoying this conversation, never

really having known anyone personally that would seem

so uninhibited as you, I ask, " does that do anything

for you? You like teasing this poor kid. Does it

give you a little buzz?"

You stop, now in the middle of the pool, treading

water, and your halter is definitely showing you off

very nicely, thoroughly soaked as it is, tight and wet

on your very alluring body. Your hair is wet at the

tips, tendrils of it sticking to your neck and cheeks,

and droplets of water on the free ends. I pull up,

toes touching bottom. Your breasts are bouyant,

seemingly threatening to pop right out of your top

with each motion your floating body makes downward.

"Yes, I do enjoy it a little bit, mentally enjoying

what must be going on upstairs, as well as

downstairs." You move closer to me, bobing in the

water, with all the attending thrills that motion is

giving me. As we continue to gain ground underneath

us, our forward motion carrying us both to depths

where we can stand, I feel your hand touching my hip

and moving across the front of my bulging swimsuit. I

feel a jolt, but in surprise at your unexpected touch,

and in complete thrill….."which boy are you talking

about though?" And with that, you other arm comes

around my neck, my hands instinctively touching your

hips, and our mouths meet in a warm and soft kiss.

Oh my stars! I had no idea this kind of spontaneous

excitement could happen to me! My mind is whirling,

my body screaming, my hands ready to run amok. I pull

you to me, and your kisses are urgent, teasing, and oh

so very friendly and inviting.

The table is between us and the house, and with the

lightning storm around, I have no thought or care, for

that matter, at being noticed wrapped so tightly with

you. Your hand on my swimsuit, rubing and pressing

on me has me ready to enter a different time entirely.

Then, you take your hand from me, and press your

body to me, the pressure welcome, agonizingly so, as

my body reacts and prepares for what is quickly going

beyond a want to an extreme and urgent need. I feel

you raise your body in the water, and your soft legs

circle me, your heels locking behind my bum as you

press your pelvis onto me, and against my expanding

and hardening tool.

My eyes are closed, totally into enjoying kissing you,

concentrating on your soft lips, warm breath, and

working your mouth slowly open. I feel your hands,

first on my shoulders, then moving, one around my

neck, then the other caressing my chest, fingers

splayed, pressing into me, then only the hand at my

neck, then softness and warmth, and again both hands

at my back, pressing yourself more avidly against me.

My kisses are more ardently returned, and soon our

tongues are playing, intertwining, writhing together,

and I explore yours with mine, your teeth, the roof of

your mouth, trying then to capture your tongue between

my closing lips, wanting to suck on your lips,

conscious that what I am thinking, and hoping your

mind is imagining my mouth doing the same things to

another excited part of your body…..

You feel so warm and soft against me, pressing firmly,

so strong and lithe, almost like you are crawling over

me, caressing and pressing yourself to me. Your

hunger seems to be rising as fast as my own. My eyes

open a slit, and a very sexy things catches my eye,

and they are both fully open immediately. There,

behind you, is your halter top, floating on the

surface, the laces strewn across the top of the water.

I feel a surge in my loins, and instantly understand

why you feel so soft and warm against me. I groan,

arching myself even harder against you. Your eyes

open, and seeing mine open, and knowing what I have

discovered, you giggle, and whisper, so sexily, "touch


I do. Thank you. My hands slide up your slick and

warm torso, my fingertips afire with the first grazing

touch of your buoyant and full breasts, free and

unencumbered, pressed against my chest. I love their

fulness, their outline, the way they suddenly jut out

from your body….I love breasts. May I call them tits?

I love tits. I love them hidden, I love them

partially outlined, I love them slowly revealed, I

love them in my hands, heavy and warm and soft, I love

them in my mouth… my hands….in my dreams and now

in my hands.

"Do you like them?" you whisper, your kisses now on my

neck and shoulder, knowing my head is craning for a

look, and the thrill of seeing my hands on your tits,

of the way they fill my hands, and the deep crevass

between them. "Oh yes, yes, yes," is all I can


"Suck them then, touch them, all over," you encourage.

I move you up my body, my hands quickly moving to

your ass and hips, hoisting you up further on my body,

one to get them close to my mouth, and to free my legs

up so I can bend in the water, and bring my mouth to

your jutting nipples. Once free to move, and with you

in position, I lean in and swipe my hot and excited

tongue over them. Back and forth, swiping and

swirling, and loving the sounds that start to eek from

your throat. Looking up at you between moving from

one proffered breast to the other, I smile and love

your eyes on me. This time I kiss and suck.

I can't take it, despite the warm water, my cock is on

fire, and is feeling very left out and needy. I

stagger to the steps, my mouth still back and forth,

pulling and swirling my lips and tongue on your

engorged erect nipples. Your hand are splayed on your

body, holding up and offering your tits to my mouth,

for both or our mounting pleasure, your legs locked

behind my lower back, and trusting my hands and the

water to hold your upper body up. My hands move to

your hips, and I start tugging at your panty, trying

to get it down.

Between my fascination and permanent attachment to

your breasts, and your legs wrapped tight around me

while you squeeze and press your body to mine, I

cannot get your panty off, or dare wish to interrupt.

You further excite and incite me, "rip them off."

"But…." I counter. You hiss, "it's not a bikini set,

just a panty, RIP it." OMG, you are here in the water

with me, in just underwear….you don't know how each

thing you say or do pushes me so fast to the edge!

You are the hottest, sexiest….and I have never been

more excited.

I set you on the next to the top step, your hips just

below the surface of the water, fight off your locked

legs, and standing up, rip the panties away, tossing

them aside, while my hands slide under you, caressing

and lifting you by your ass, until your pussy and thin

clipped line of pussy hair are just above the water

line. The droplets of water on your body, and in

your thin line of hair are even further exciting. You

steady yourself on your elbows, hands still cupping

and offering your breasts to my oral and visual

excitement. I smile up at you, and move in close,

groaning, "my favorite refreshments!" With that, I

kiss your vulva, and my tongue rapidly moves over your

smooth mound, swirling, swooshing, caressing and

flicking up and down your cleft. I settle on my knees

on the bottom step, and your body is now floating near

the surface, just your pussy and breasts standing

above the water, and I stoop, so that your legs can

rest or be supported across my shoulders and back.

Mmmmmmm, I hear you encourage me. I feel you arch and

start to undulate in the water, pressing against me,

urging me, but sending me a message that you wanted me

to take my time, as you pull away ever couple of

seconds, setting up a delicious rhythym……Ravel's

"Bolero" somehow finds a portal to my mind's eye and


My tongue presses against you, seeking heat and

moisture, and my eyes are tantalized by your smile,

your eyes, darting again, but not with nervousness, I

hope anyway, and the way the water is running over

your tummy and through your cleavage with each

movement of your body. I especially like the way you

murmer and encourage me, how you bite and lick your

lips, how words that never come out form on your lips,

and how all of this is framed, from my view, by your

wobling and shining tits. You thrill me further, as

I continue to wriggle my tongue inward, up and down,

swirling and laving you, moving downward langorously,

towards your erect she-cock, as your hands grope and

squeeze first the base of your breasts, and then how

your delicate and impatient fingers move up to roll

and squeeze your knotted nipples.

My tongue is now flicking, sucking lightly, and I

press my head inward, with pursed lips, puckering to

kiss your inner folds, soft, slick and tangy. Back

and forth, moving slowly, I finally feel your nubin

against my lips, and I flick at it with my tongue.

More lightning. A crash of thunder rolls through the

water. I feel you body jump, both at the weather

forming above, and at the building of the tempest in

your loins. I purse my lips and move them over your

clit, until at the base, I start to suck, and lightly

run my tongue over its head, now safely in my sucking

mouth….mmmmm, I hum on it, loving it, flicking the


I come up, for air, and to ask if you would like to

move poolside or to a comfortable chaise lounge….I can

tell your need is serious, and I know that mine will

urgently follow yours!

"Just don't stop," is all you say, "suck me, make me

cum in your delicious mouth! Yes, right here, in the

pool." I lower my head, anxious to serve and please

and tease you to your satisfaction and ripping


More thunder, and lightning. Is that above us, or is

that your climax? Not yet, but building? With your

legs securely over my back, holding you up easily

above the lapping waterline, my hands can return to

their first delight, holding and playing with your

jouncing breasts. I love the slick feel the water

gives me as I move the pads of my pincer-like fingers

up and over your full, swollen breasts, and then the

firm, bursting nipples. I wish I had another hand to

stroke my cock, perpendicular and heavy now. But it

will be soon, I know it. Are the waves building,

baby? Do you feel them inside, as well as the sensuous

lapping of the pool water at your flanks and shoulders

as you ride my tongue? Are all your receptors being

stimulated, and is the electricity flowing? I love

most the way your hips drive your pleasure center back

at me, into me, rutting against me, rubing and

pressing, urging and dancing for me, and for my

mounting pleasure and compelling need to mount you


Baby, think about floating there, for all the world

and stars to see, perhaps even a 15-yr old boy, all

signals on, all engines going, my tongue, wriggling

and slithering, licking, flicking, pursing and

kissing, lifting, sucking, grazing and laving your

cente….let your mind join your body as my tongue makes

frantic and unmeasured strokes against and over your

clit…..can u cum baby? Will you touch yourself like

this and help me make you cum?

Or, would you want to hold on to it? Want to turn the

tables, have me on my back on the steps, and thrust

and wriggle yourself over my mouth, rucking and moving

to a rhythym in your head? Again, another tune in my

mind –Crystal Blue Pursuasion.

I love this baby, you are so hot and sexy and open for

me to seek and give pleasure, so wantonly. Baby, I

need you. I lift your pelvis out of the water a

little higher, so you can watch my extended tongue,

sliding over each inner side of your labia, then

flicking and sucking at your clit, tenderly pulling at

your clit, and caressing the delicate folds of your

precious center. I want you to cum, just in time with

the deafening claps of thunder and lightning, seeming

so close….almost as close as your climax?

Ohhhh baby, my mind screams, I want your hips to fuck

my mouth back, want you on the side of the pool, hips

lifting and arching and thrusting back at me, your

tits jouncing and wobling with your need, it would be

soo sexy. I want you arching and luxuriating in the

soft chaise lounge, hands over your head, pulling up

on the frame or arms of the reclining chair, lifting

and further accentuating your breasts…..

You start to hunch rabidly against me, mewling and

shimmying against my lapping, sucking, flicking mouth

and tongue. Your hands now reach for my hair,

grabing the thick front locks and pulling me into

you. My thumbs continue to rub and thumb your

nipples, and your hands move my head so that my tongue

can flick over and tease your cunt hole. I can hear

you hissing at me, sucking your teeth, your breath

coming in short and forceful gasps, and finally…

Yessssss, chase, oh baby, so good, make it last,

oooooooiiiiiiiieeeeee, here it cums…..yes, oh

yes…..more, keep going, oh fuck me chase……

These words about put me over the top……as I feel your

body trble and shake, I stand up, and pulling my

tight and soaking swim trunks down, pleased that you

are still rubing your clit in tight circles, putting

on a show for me while enjoying the recurring jolts

and waves of pleasure…..I reach under you, cradle you,

and carry you out of the water…..I am tempted to stop

at the nearest chaise lounge, to lay you so that your

bottom is even with the end of the edge of the

chair,and to thrust my hard and desparate cock into

you, my balls swinging free in the air….my mind also

wants to see you with my cock being sucked by your

lips, lying back on the chaise, or standing in front

of your, letting your play with the sac and shaft

while licking the tip and hole…..but my legs keep

moving….."grab a towel" I command as I move to the

other end of the pool, my cock straight out, bobing

in the cold air, but not subsiding in its strength….

Your arm reaches out and captures a towel in your hand

before I turn the corner. I step up and onto the

diving board, stooping to stand you on your weak and

shaky legs…. I grab and shake the towel out,

realizing as it flares out and settles onto the white

diving board, that is may not be cushion enough…

You know what is coming and lie down, quickly, with

your head at the end of the board… this gonna

meet, match or make a fantasy come true for you babe?

Think anyone inside well-lit house can see out here


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I grab the circular floatation device hanging on

the side of the rail of the board, and kneeling at

your feet, I slide it up under your hips. You let

your legs hang free and open, one hand under your

head, again lifting and accentuating your full and

mounded breasts for me, while the other hand continues

to stroke you sweet excited pussy. You are a hot

woman….and I have a need for that now!

I grasp the board beside your torso, and run my hard, heavy,

pendulous cock over your thighs, tummy, resting and

pressing it for a moment on your pelvis, then lifting,

and looking into your eyes, I lower my hips slightly,

rest and seat it against you, and then

push…..thrusting, oh yes, so tight, hot,

inviting… lift your legs now, putting your heels

on the board beside my thighs, angling and giving me

such delicious access for deep and frenzied strokes of

my bloated shaft.

I raise myself, trying to give you pleasure from the rasping of my shaft past your

hopefully still distended clit, and driving deep into

you, bumping deep within you with the plum-shaped and

colored head of my now glistening and cum laden cock.

You are so sexy, glistening wet, flushed, hair down

and askew, and the flickering of the lanterns on your

skin and the shadows created by your curves is more

sexy and beautiful than anything I can possibly ever



But there is no room in my mind for thought, just

visions and sensations. You are more than I can


Faster, faster, deeper, my breathing coming in halting

gasps, then, calling your name once, I arch, pressing

my hips to yours, momentarily ceasing in my thrusting,

the only contact between us now is my lance inside

you, and my balls pressed tightly against your ass….I

cannot stop, the boiling surging pleasure is too much,

on-rushing, my cock vibrating and pulsing…..with a

blast, a groan, and several successive spurts, I spew

my pleasure, losing it into you, deep, hot, seething,

and rippling with pleasure from my neck and toes,

along my legs and back, shivering and shuddering,

centering on the fulcrum of our carnal coupling……

Baby, you are wonderful…..

(There is still the jacuzzi, the grass at the edge of

the circle of light, the chaise…or your place, just

through the fence? I am sure, with you, I would be

game for more fun and frolicking.)

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