follows on from Mr Right
I'd no idea my sister liked being a slut as well. She told me all about it in one of those girlie chats where all the fruity details about your sex life get revealed. She described how she's very sexually submissive to her man, how she lets him control her and use her when and where he wants. She said he called her his "fuck toy" and that he'd spank her hard if she didn't slut herself to his satisfaction. She told me how she loved playing at being his sex slave, how devoted to each other they were and how they planned to marry the next year. I'd be her bridesmaid if I wanted to - of course I said yes.
I was staying with my sister for a couple of weeks at her nice apartment. She was helping me get back on track after I'd dropped out of college due to my promiscuous reputation getting out of control. Her man was working abroad at the time and it gave us chance to get real close again. We'd drifted apart because she'd spent the last few years away at University and now had a good job that demanded loads of her time. I was eighteen and she five years older, and now that we were both grown up young women we looked almost identical. Except she had classy clothes and make up and well styled hair.
She took some time off work to be with me and we just lazed around her apartment and chat. I realised how much I'd missed her these last few years, she'd been my mentor when I was growing up. It was her, not Mum, that had given me advice about my body and becoming a woman. Explained about periods and boys, cheered me up when I was upset because all the other girls needed proper bras and my boobs hadn't appeared yet. I rbered the time she'd shown me her boobs, to show me what mine would be like as her body had been like mine when she was my age. She'd developed quite late as well. She reassured me that my boobs would appear soon enough.
It was the talks about sex that drew us so close together again. I told her about how I still hadn't had a proper boyfriend and had let myself be passed around at college, how I was considered an "easy lay," and I admitted I was and I enjoyed it. She didn't judge me or look down on me or anything, so I didn't hold back about what had happened at Carl's place. How I'd been had from behind by Carl while sucking on Pete's cock, how Jake had fucked me so hard even though he hated me. How they'd all screwed me over and over again, cum in my mouth and over my face. Then how cruelly they'd disowned me and thrown me out to walk home alone all covered in spunk.
I asked her if she'd ever had a threesome or maybe even a gangbang. She said no, but had got turned on listening to my account. She said she wouldn't consider going with other guys behind her man's back, but if he told her to fuck other men then she would. It would be another way of serving her man, that if she had to please other guys to please him then she would do it. She would enjoy it and it wouldn't matter what the other men thought about her or how they treated her afterwards because it would be for her and her man. The other men would just be serving a purpose.
She asked if I'd enjoyed my gangbang and would I do it again. I said I'd loved all the sex, it was just the awful feeling of loneliness afterwards that had upset me so much. But if it was like she'd described then I would definately do it again, if it was for someone who loved me for it. She just smiled when I told her how I felt. I wanted to know more about what her and her man got up to, the different ways he takes her.
"Wait here I've something to show you," she said, "I'll be about ten minutes." and she scurried off to her bedroom and called back, "I want to know what you think."
I didn't know what to expect, just that it would be something to do with sex. Maybe a dildo or something, but that wouldn't take ten minutes to fetch. I couldn't guess so just sat and waited. I was gob smacked when she came back, making a grand entrance. She came and stood before me. My big sister, dressed only in patent high heels and black PVC lingerie. Very kinky, but very stunning. It was a three piece set, a tiny thong with matching garter belt and skimpy push up bra that left her nipples exposed. Each piece beautifully made with pretty lace trims and tiny bows. Expensive looking metal clips holding up very sheer black silk stockings. It was very slutty but very classy as well, it looked superb on her.
"I can't believe how kinky you are," I exclaimed, "my big sis dressed up like a porn star."
"He wants me to wear this under my coat and go meet him at his office, then he's going to fuck me over his desk like a whore." She waited for my reaction.
I thought she looked brilliant, and told her I loved the idea.
"Come see the rest of my stuff," she said, and I followed her to her bedroom to go and see her sexy lingerie collection.
It was amazing, not a bra and pantie drawer with everything crammed in like I had. But each set in a nice little box so all the pieces were neatly together. A lace and leather basque hung in her wardrobe, fishnet body stockings and animal print camisoles, another PVC set, a ruber mini skirt about 9 inches long. Then another section with more conventional stuff from France and Italy, really, really pretty all of it, and very, very sexy. There was a garter belt set in a shimmery fabric that caught my eye. The fabric felt so delicate and soft to the touch, I'd never seen lingerie so lovely.
"Try it on."
So I did. I stripped naked and then stepped into the tiny thong, she helped fasten the garter belt and bra on me, she handed a pair of nylon stockings to me and each leg felt carressed by the sensual fabric as I peeled them on. I'd never worn anything that made me feel so beautiful in all my life. She chose a pair of stilettos that complemented my lovely lingerie so I could pose for her like she had for me.
"I want to see us together" she said. So we strutted back to the lounge to admire ourselves in the large mirror that was there. We made poses like we were lingerie models, then rushed back to the bedroom to try different outfits. So there we were, two sexy sisters in two sexy outfits admiring how horny we looked. We were having so much fun, all my troubles forgotten as I laughed and giggled with her.
When I'd tried on several sets she asked what my favourite outfit had been. It was the first one, she said I could have it as a present. I wanted to wear it again. Now it was mine I wanted to enjoy it again so I went back and changed into it. When I returned to the lounge my sister had poured us some wine so we rested from posing for a while. She was sat crossed legged in her tiny short ruber mini skirt, showing loads of her thigh, her skirt far too short to cover her garter belt straps and stocking tops. She looked such a total slut but I liked seeing her dressed that way, I liked knowing my sister enjoyed dressing slutty like I do. I wanted to be dressed like she was for a man of my own, for my Mr Right. I was a little jealous that she had found herself a loving man to wear it for.
We started chatting about sex again. We asked each other more about what we'd each done sexually.
"Have you had it up the bum?" Me no, her yes.
"Have you been caught fucking outdoors?" Me yes, her yes.
"Have you ever kissed a girl?" Me no, her no.
... and so on and so on.
By now we were getting hungry and she suggested going out to eat. I wanted to keep wearing my lovely lingerie but had nothing worthy to wear with it. So she selected a short skirt suit of hers to wear over it. She gave me that as well. The "sexy secretary look" really suited me and later became my main image. It still is to this day.
That night I woke up in the early hours. I couldn't get back to sleep. I'd been sleeping on her sofa the last few nights and now it had started to feel uncomfortable. I felt thirsty so I got up to go get a glass of water from the kitchen. My sister was in there drinking orange juice, she said she couldn't sleep either. She was naked but I didn't think anything of it and neither did she. I was wearing an old T-shirt and a crummy pair of bed shorts.
"If the sofa is uncomfortable you can come and sleep with me" she offered, "Be like when you were little and you used to come cuddle up with me when you had bad dreams."
So I accepted and went with her to her big soft bed. She got in first then asked me if I always wore "that horrible outfit to bed." I said no, but it was all I had to bring with me as I normally sleep naked as well.
"So take it off then."
I did as she said and slid naked beside her. Curled up to her with my hand across her tummy. I told her how much I'd enjoyed the day, trying on all her lingerie and being so open talking about sex wih her. I told her how I felt seeing her looking so slutty and sexyin her ruber mini skirt, how I'd like to dress like that for my man when I found him.
She told me that her man had ordered her to wear that skirt with stockings and heels many, many times. That about a month before he'd had her wearing it, ordered her to get on her back on the kitchen floor and open her legs for him, show him her cunt, open herself for him, call herself filthy things for him. Then he'd dared her to go out wearing it to a sleazy club with him. She'd done so to prove to him she was his whore. He'd fucked her in a dark corner of the club up against the wall and a couple sitting nearby had watched her as she was used like a cheap tramp.
I said it must be wonderful to have someone who loves you daring you to do such exciting things for them. I told her again how I looked forward to when I could have such fun and had someone to love me.
"Well I love you." she said.
And I knew she did. I lay there feeling so warm and safe and wanted and loved. I wanted to show her my love, to give something to her to show how much I loved her. But I had nothing to give, I had no money or anything she needed. I thought I could give her a "dare," I thought she'd like that, something naughty but fun. Then I thought of something to dare her with.
"I love you too," I told her. I paused, then asked "would you do a dare for me because I love you?"
"What take me to a club and dare me to get fucked or something?"
"No, something nicer than that."
"Go on then, dare me," she said.
"I dare you to kiss me," I said. "Dare you to kiss me so we'd both know what it's like to kiss a girl."
"Don't be silly, we're sisters that's taboo."
"So's going to a club dressed as a whore and being fucked against the wall."
And I went on and on teasing her, told her that she wasn't as daring as she made out, that she was scared to kiss a girl.
"Go on then, I'll kiss you," she said.
And I shuffled up and put my face close to hers. "Really? Shall we? So we know what it's like."
She put her hand behind my head and pulled my mouth to hers and kissed me gently on the lips. An electric shock ran down my spine and I pulled back. We looked in each others eyes in the soft glow of the dimmed bedside light. She pulled me to her again and this time we both opened our mouths a little as our lips met. This time it was her that pulled back suddenly. We stared again at each other, I felt desire for her lips, her softness, I wanted that electric feeling again. Our mouths met again, and we opened wider, we both hesitated for a moment, but then started kissing more frantically. Now our lips stayed locked together and the tips of our tongues met. Our tongue tips danced together for a few moments and then I felt hers move into my mouth and then withdraw. Our lips still together, we pressed harder to each other and I slid my tongue forward and explored her mouth. Our kissing became almost violent it was so passionate. It became too much, it was too intense.
I broke away and rolled onto my back. She moved over to me and put her lips to mine again, gave me little pecks with her lips on my lips. Her tongue touched my lips and gently forced them apart. My mouth opened a little more and she ran her tongue all around just inside my lips. She pulled back and moved her mouth to my breast, she kissed my nipple, licked my nipple, gently sucked my nipple. Then she caressed my other breast in her hand. She stopped and lay with her open mouth on my breast, not moving. I could feel her breathe on my soft bosom.
"That was beautiful."
"Yes," she whispered.
I had my arms around her and she held me. The softness of our flesh together.
She started kissing my breast again, just little kisses one after the other. She started speaking in a quiet and timid voice as if I were the senior sister being addressed.
"Can I dare you now?" she asked.
I pressed her face against my breast as an answer.
"Can I kiss you there?" and she moved her hand and gently touched my vagina.
"Can I taste you?"
I knew I was soaking wet between my legs. I answered "yes" and pushed her head down my body a little. She moved slowly down softly kissing and licking my body as she went. She stopped when she reached my pubis. Then she changed position, got between my legs, breathed heavily once or twice, then went down on me.
I writhed in anticipation before her mouth touched my cunt. I opened my legs to receive her. Felt her lips on my labia, she fired off kisses in quick succession all over my sex. I felt her tongue running the full length of my slit, felt it probing my hole. She opened me with her hands and lapped inside of me. I felt my juices running, my cunt alive with her touch. I was so wet, so very wet and she kept licking and licking. I started to cum and clenched my bum and pushed up and then with both hands held her head and pressed her face hard into my cunt. Held her there as I came, she held her mouth open, let my juices flow in.
We froze motionless for what seemed ages. Then she started kissing my cunt again, started lapping again. She moved up my body, exploring my flesh with her mouth. Moved her mouth over my tummy, over each breast, kissed my neck, my forehead, my eyes, my nose and finally my mouth. I tasted myself as she kissed me.
She offered no resistance as I rolled her over, she parted her legs for me. I'd kissed her cunt many times before I whispered "My dare now." I gently pulled her labia with my lips, gave the soft folds of her flesh loving little bites, made her gasp. Pressed my tongue to her clit and flicked and teased it. Now I tasted her intimate flavour, lapped at her sweet juicy hole, felt her spasms and tensions as she flowed onto my tongue. We lay clutching each other. I had so many questions for her but I knew all the answers already. She knew my mind, my thoughts. There was nothing to say.
We made love again the next night and we took more dares from each other. She dared me to put my tongue up her asshole and I dared her to wear her tramp ruber mini skirt and slut herself on the floor for me like she had her lover. Dared her to finger herself in front of me and she dared me to lick her wet shiny fingers. She dared me to pose with my bum in the air and take a butt plug up my back passage and I dared her to do a gangbang. She said that she couldn't until she'd talked with her man. She dared me to come out with her and meet someone new, a friend of her lover's who needed a whore. I said if I did you'd still owe me the gangbang dare.
I met the man and she did the gangbang, but they're two different stories.
steffanie xxx
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