Lexie had just finished masseuse school and was anxious to show her dad, Larry, what she had learned. After all, it was Larry who raised Lexie since her mom left with another man ten years ago. When Lexie needed her mom the most during her pubescent years it was Larry who stepped in and explained as best he could about menstruation, the birds and the bees, and dating. Larry truly was acting as Mr. Mom and it wasn’t always easy. Lexie knew how Larry struggled at times but she never belittled him for his efforts. In fact, Lexie grew to love Larry that much more and would lay her life on the line for him. There are not many eighteen year old girls you can say that about nowadays.
sex finders in melbourne here and now In spite of Larry’s best efforts, he couldn’t convince Lexie to go to college. Instead, she wanted to be a masseuse. Larry never understood why. Her grades were good enough for college, and it can’t be because she wasn’t involved at school. She was a cheerleader, she was on the
student council and she was a long distance runner on the track team. Larry was grateful that Lexie did so well, in spite of not having her mother around after age eight. So, he agreed to pay for masseuse school. Besides, there are plenty of health clubs and spas at which she could work. Larry was secretly hoping Lexie would become interested in sports medicine after graduating masseuse school and perhaps a new career door would open for her. It was Larry’s birthday and Lexie wanted to give Larry a massage. Not only to show him what she learned, but because he has always complained that he needs to take time for himself and get a massage so he can relax. Lexie thought this to be the perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. While Larry was at work, Lexie set up her massage table in the den. She prepared the oils and oil warmer. She had clean sheets spread on the table and was excited for Larry to come home. But this was only part of the surprise. Lexie also prepared dinner for Larry on this, his thirty-seventh birthday. It was his favorite, chicken parmisan on a bed of pasta with salad, fresh Italian bread and wine. Lexie’s not a bad cook, but this is Larry’s favorite dish. Larry came home at sunset and the smell of chicken parmesan filled his nose. His mouth immediately started to water and his stomach began to grumble. Lexie heard the door open and she ran to greet Larry. “Happy birthday, Daddy!” Lexie shouted. Her arms were outstretched as she gave Larry a firm hug and a kiss on his cheek. “Aww baby thanks so much. Are you cooking my favorite dish tonight?” Larry inquired. “I sure am, Chicken parmesan on pasta, salad, bread and wine.” Lexie said with a proud smile from ear to ear. “Fantastic. I can’t wait! I’m going to take a quick shower and I’ll be right back.” Larry said as he hurried into his bedroom. Larry was out of the shower and back in the dining room in about fifteen minutes. He had taken off his business suit and changed into his favorite worn denim jeans and a t-shirt. He sat at the dinner table and poured himself a glass of red wine. “Would you like to share some wine with me?” Larry asked Lexie. “If you’ll let me. ” She replied. Larry thought for a moment and said, “Well, you’re eighteen, you’re one hell of a cook and you’ve grown to be a smart and beautiful young lady. I think you’ve earned the right to have some wine with your dad on his birthday.” Larry was right. Lexie had grown to be a beautiful young lady. She stood five feet seven inches tall and weighed one hundred twenty five pounds. Her auburn hair came to her shoulders and she had the prettiest green eyes. Lexie’s tanned, athletic physique is one many boys, and men, would love to have in their grasp. Lexie wore a yellow tank top that read I’m Daddy’s Little Girl in red letters across her 34B sized breasts. The bottom of her shirt was cropped short and exposed her flat belly. Lexie wore a pair of spandex workout shorts and she had rolled the elastic waistband down to where her hip bones were exposed. Larry sipped on his wine glass as he watched Lexie in the kitchen. His eyes worked their way from her
down to her firm round ass. His thoughts went back to when she was eight when her mom left them and how he handled himself over the years. He continued to look at Lexie’s shapely body and for a brief moment, he wondered what she looked like nude. Larry began to undress Lexie with his eyes, but he snapped back to reality when he realized he was starting to get an erection. He squirmed in the chair hoping to adjust his penis so that Lexie did not see. He had never thought of Lexie in this way, but seeing her tonight, she looked so much like a woman. After one and a half glasses of wine, Lexie served dinner and they both enjoyed a relaxing conversation about the day’s events and Lexie’s masseuse school. “I have a present for you, daddy.” Lexie said. Larry looked at her inquisitively and before he could respond Lexie said, “I’m going to give you the deluxe massage tonight.” Larry took the wine glass he held in his hand and drank what little wine was left, making this his third glass of wine. “Wow, baby. That sounds so nice right now. I was hoping you’d give me a massage when you were done with school.” Larry said encouragingly as he opened a second bottle of wine. “Well, your wish is about to come true, as soon as I clean the dishes.” Lexie giggled. Larry filled Lexie’s glass, and his, with wine. “I’ll help you clear the table so we can get to my massage.” Larry offered. They then cleaned the dishes from the table and filled the dish washer. “The massage table is in the den.” Lexie explained. “Go on in and you’ll have to remove your shirt and pants. There are some clean sheets folded on the table. Cover yourself and I’ll be right in.” Larry took his half full wine glass, filled it with more wine and brought the glass, and the wine bottle, into the den. He dutifully removed his shirt and pants. He thought for a moment and decided to remove his underpants, too. “Why not?” Larry rationalized. “I’m getting my dream massage and I want to be as comfortable as I can be.” Totally nude, he climbed onto the table, opened a clean folded sheet and covered himself. About five minutes later Lexie came into the room. Lexie was wide eyed as she looked at her dad lying on the table. This was her chance to show Larry how much she appreciated everything he had done for her over the course of her lifetime and she wanted this massage to be the best one she’ll ever do. She ordered him to roll onto his stomach. Larry did so without exposing himself to Lexie. Lexie quickly ran out of the room saying, “I’ll be right back!” She returned moments later with her wine glass. She filled it with wine and took a big gulp. “OK, now I’m ready.” Larry chuckled and said, “It looks like I’ve created a monster.” Lexie acted surprised and said in a joking tone, “What? You have not!” Both Larry and Lexie were feeling the effects of the wine enough to where they both felt comfortable and relaxed. Lexie pulled the sheet off of Larry’s shoulders and pulled it to just below the small of his muscular back. The oil had plenty of time to warm in the warmer so she squirted some warm oil into her hands, rubed them together and began to massage Larry’s back. Her hands glided effortlessly as her fingers rubed his muscles in a circular pattern. Larry’s face was in a round hole in the table and he practically melted when Lexie began the massage. Lexie slowly moved toward Larry’s buttocks. She pulled the sheet up to expose what she expected to be Larry’s underpants, but she let out a little gasp when she discovered Larry was totally nude. “Wow, dad. You’re serious about this massage, aren’t you?” Lexie joked. “Shut up and rub. I don’t want to ruin this with talking.” Larry replied without taking his head out of the donut shaped hole. “What the hell. If I want to be a professional, I have to learn to put my insecurities aside.” Lexie assured herself. She put more warm oil on her hands and began to massage Larry’s ass cheeks, slowly and methodically, just like she was taught to do. She didn’t realize how muscular Larry really was. Rubing his hard and toned ass cheeks got Lexie feeling a bit horny but she continued to think professional thoughts. Lexie then moved on to Larry’s legs and feet. It took about thirty minutes for her to complete his entire back and she asked Larry to roll over so she could massage his front. Larry slowly rolled over and he was feeling very relaxed now. Except for one thing, he had a partial erection from Lexie rubing his ass cheeks. He tried not to think about it and believed he wasn’t hard enough for Lexie to notice. Lexie didn’t pay too much attention at first, but when she pulled the sheet down to expose his chest, she saw the tip of his penis just a few inches below his belly button. She kept his penis covered and began to rub Larry’s chest with warm oil. At one point, Lexie stood over Larry’s head and was reaching over his body. Her ample breasts were jiggling within inches of Larry’s face as she rubed his chest. Larry watched Lexie’s hard nipples poke through the cotton fabric of the shirt and he could even see the faint shadow of her areolas. Larry couldn’t help but watch and his penis again became erect. He couldn’t do anything to hide it, nor did he really want to. Lexie noticed Larry’s erection and continued to massage his chest. She was now getting horny at the sight of her dad’s hard dick just under the thin sheet. Lexie moved to Larry’s lower abdomen and gently brushed her hand against his erection. Larry didn’t say anything, but in his mind he wanted Lexie to do more than just brush against it. As if Lexie were reading Larry’s mind she pulled the sheet back to expose his hard manhood. Lexie looked at his swollen cock and without missing a beat, squirted more warm oil into her hands. She then began to rub Larry’s hardness. Gently she took Larry’s cock into her hand and stroked it slowly up and down with one hand. With the other hand she rubed his balls. Lexie had so much oil on hr hands it made Larry’s cock glisten. Lexie’s grip moved up and down on Larry’s cock as if there were hardly any resistance at all. She looked at her dad’s face and there was a slight grin on his lips and Lexie knew for sure she was making him feel good. Lexie continued to stroke Larry’s hard cock and even squirted more warm oil into her hands to guarantee a near friction free experience. She could feel Larry’s shaft harden with every stroke and now Larry’s breathing became faster and his hips began to move in time with Lexie’s hand strokes. Lexie continued her up and down strokes as Larry was now gently moaning. Lexie’s pussy was wet and she was so horny it took almost all of her self control to keep from jumping on the table and riding Larry’s hard cock. Larry was now moving his hips faster and he was moaning louder. Lexie knew he would soon cum so she squirted one last amount of warm oil in her hands and continued to move her hands over Larry’s cock. From tip to base, up and down. Larry griped the sides of the table and his face became flushed. His hips were now moving very quickly as he looked as if he were fucking a pussy instead of Lexie’s hands. Finally it happened. Larry shot his load of cum and it squirted straight into the air and came back down on Lexie’s hands as she continued to stroke his cock. Surge after surge, Larry blew his load and Lexie didn’t stop stroking until Larry’s cock was thoroughly milked. When Larry was done, Lexie unfolded a clean towel and thoroughly wiped the cum off her hand and off Larry’s cock and belly. Without a word she left the den leaving Larry to recuperate. Lexie immediately went into her room and locked the door. She was so horny she couldn’t stand it. She lied on her bed, put her hand down the front of her spandex shorts and began to masturbate as she thought of Larry’s hot cum pouring out of his cock. Within minutes Lexie was cumming on her hand as her fingers drove deep into her pussy. She laid there exhausted before getting up and going to the restroom to clean up. When she finally returned to the den, Lexie saw that Larry was gone and she heard his shower running. She picked up the sheets and towels, folded her massage table and put everything away. When Larry came out of the shower, he saw Lexie just about done straightening the den. He gave her a long firm hug and thanked her for such a wonderful massage. “That was the best massage I’ve ever had,” He said. “Maybe you can show me how you did it and I can return the favor one of these days.” With a grin on her lips Lexie replied, “I’d be happy to show you and if you don’t mind, I’d like to practice a little more on you, just to make sure I know what I’m doing.” Larry looked Lexie deep in her eyes and said, “Baby, there’s no doubt you know what you’re doing, but you can practice on me any time.” The two hugged and sat in each other’s arms until they fell asleep.
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