When did it Happen?

Do you rber that first time when it hits you....

When did it happen?

mega orgasm for her

I don’t know when it happened

I don’t even know when it began, for certain,

Could it have been the first time I laid eyes on her…

“Love at first sight?” … impossible…a contrivance invented by the greeting card industry;

So when did it happen?

When did I first notice my heart begin to call attention as it pounded inside my chest?

When did my hands begin to go clammy at the thought of her name?

When did it begin that I could not summon the concentration to simply get through the day…because of her? I know it struck me soon after we met, but when was that moment?

My memory is quite exquisite actually and every moment with her is as vivid as her piercing blue eyes…but when did it all begin?

The first time I held her cool soft hand was the first time we met, could that be it?

But then there was the first hug and soft little kiss that stirred my male intentions, maybe then?

How about that time when she lightly stroked the soft inside of my arm, oh there’s a moment to rber.


There was that moment…yes that very early moment…when I was holding her hand, filled with sophomoric pride because I had the most beautiful lady in a crowded room, and I turned and raised my eyes to hers …YES that’s it!

It was those eyes that replaced every clever phrase I could create with silence and stopped me cold! Not one word was spoken as those eyes looked deep into my soul, but I knew she could still hear my thoughts as they raced over my mind like a scrolling billboard.

It wasn’t safe with her eyes looking at me like that…I was unprotected …vulnerable… what was she seeing that locked my eyes to hers! Turn away I said in my minds eye…or she’ll know by my look that I have something to tell her…something left for poets to write about and song writers to sing about.

When was the last time I felt so much life in my being and struggled to find words to describe it? That just doesn’t happen to me! Could it be because I haven’t had this feeling before? But a feeling so strong that no words can describe it just doesn’t make sense!

Or is it simply because it’s about a single word….

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