Laurie's brother-in-law brings his son along
Laurie and her Nephew
Laurie and her Nephew
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You may have read about my beautiful wife, Laurie, and my brother, David. Several months ago, he walked in on her one night in a hotel room in Chicago where she was playing hostess for a former lover’s card game. Laurie and another girl, dressed alike in sheer mesh teddies, served drinks, and then themselves, to the guests waiting to get into the game. When David found her, completely by accident, she was in one of the bedrooms, naked and glistening with sweat, sliding up and down the huge, hard cock of the very large black man beneath her.
Since then, David has become a very large part of Laurie’s sexual escapades. He likes to dominate her - it makes her way wet. She likes to dominate me – it makes me way hard. Together, they have found that a little humiliation (of me) makes everyone cum even harder.
A few weeks ago, on a Saturday night, David came over to our house about 8:30pm . He told Laurie to take a quick shower and put on her gray slip dress and some thigh highs and heels. He wanted to go to Pop's for a drink. ( Pop's is a jazz bar near our house.) I wasn't invited.
I saw the lights of his car about an hour later. I was in the den, waiting for them to come in. I heard the front door, but I didn’t see them. After a minute, I went into the living room, where I saw my wife on her knees, slurping on my brother’s hard cock like there was no tomorrow. He saw me watching, took a hold of her head and fucked her mouth until he came.
A minute later, saying a quick goodbye, he was out the door and Laurie was dragging me upstairs. She flopped on her back and spread her legs. My very turned-on wife told me to eat her dripping pussy; with my tongue in her cunt she would tell me what happened.
She pulled her dress up and I dove in.
She said he had her sitting at the bar, on a fairly high bar stool. Her hem of her dress was up around the lacy part of her hose and the top was gaping open; her tits were visible to anyone interested. They ordered drinks. She said she knows he likes it when she exposes herself, so she turned in such a way that the bartender had a clear view down her dress.
She stayed like this, letting the bartender watch her nipples growing hard and stiff . They were all chatting for a few minutes, when she heard an all-too-familiar voice behind her. It was David's son, Brian. He is a 21 year-old senior at Ohio State University . He is about 6'2", 190 lbs of broad shoulders thinning to a narrow waist and long, powerful legs, with red hair and bright blue eyes. My nephew is truly a great looking young man.
He walked up and said hello to his dad. When he turned his head, he noticed his Aunt Laurie with a bit of surprise. She told me he leaned forward to kiss her on the cheek - as he normally does. When he got close, she turned to him and saw his bright blue eyes drop straight down into the top of her dress. Knowing her gorgeous, young nephew could see EVERYTHING, her nipples expanded before his eyes. A moment later, he backed away and got a drink; but he stood between them as he took care of some business with his dad.
He kept staring at her breasts, then his eyes would drop down to her legs. She said she wasn't sure how it happened, but after a few minutes, it seemed the hem of her little silk slip had now cleared the tops of her stockings; her pale, white flesh was glowing under the neon lights of the bar.
Brian stayed with them for about 30 minutes. And then, finishing his drink, he said he had to go. He shook his dad's hand and moved back to Laurie to give her a little kiss goodbye. This time, though, he got her on the lips and lingered for a ‘longer than appropriate’ amount of time. Laurie told me that all three of them were aware that her dress had gaped completely open, her full breasts and hardened nipples exposed to his gaze. He broke the kiss - not her - and told her to say ‘hi’ to his Uncle Steve. Then he left the bar. David and Laurie finished their drinks a few minutes later.
In his car, on the way home, David told her to start thinking about a very special graduation gift for Brian. Laurie told me she almost came when he said that. David was so excited about the whole thing that he barely lasted a minute with his cock buried deep in her throat when they got back.
I looked up from my position between her thighs. I asked her if she was seriously considering fucking her nephew. Laurie’s eyes were like slits, glazed over with the telltale sign of her lust. She grabed the back of my head and shoved me back down to her spasming cunt. As I licked and sucked, she came violently, screaming “Yes…yes…if David tells me to…I’d do it, baby…I would fuck Brian for him, anywhere…anytime.”
I came along with her.
It was last Sunday - the day of the Big 10 Basketball Tournament Finals that were held in Chicago . I don't know if I'd ever mentioned it, but my brother graduated from the University of Illinois a while back. He was quite jazzed about getting some tickets for the game – the team was ranked Number One in the national polls and likely to get to the Final Four. It wasn't actually a great game, but the Fighting Illini won and we were all feeling pretty good about that.
Our son was out for the day/night with kid's folks were both Illinois grads and they had a big overnight celebration at their house for the kids (no high school classes on Monday - some institute day...)
Laurie and I watched the game at home, excited and happy with the outcome. It didn't surprise me that David was calling right after the game ended...we often speak before, during, and after sporting events. What I didn't know was that his son Brian had come up from Ohio State to see the weekend tournament. David told me Brian was with him as he asked about our 'situation'.
I told him again about my reservations - really, I was only concerned with Brian's ability to keep quiet about everything. And again, he stressed that he had had a couple of chats with his son about the situation - the bottom line being that 1) if anybody ever found out, it would never happen again, and 2) if Matt or Lisa ever found out...well, he told him, best not find out what would happen - it wouldn't be good for anyone. He told me Brian swore he understood and 'wasn't that stupid anymore'...David said they would be at our house about an hour later.
With my little soldier standing at full attention, I caught up with Laurie in the kitchen before she could start cooking our dinner. She was standing in front of the sink. I walked up behind her, slid my arms around her and cupped her breasts in my hands. She giggled a little and backed her butt into my crotch - Laurie said I shouldn't bother her while she was cooking. I said she probably wanted to wait a while as it looked like we would be having company. She backed into me again, this time rubing her rounded ass over my hard-on.. She said she thought she heard me talking to David. With a sexy little giggle, she said he'd left her alone for too long - she was glad he was coming over.
I pinched her pointed tips as I asked her if she was excited to be cooking for him. She laughed and said I could make myself useful and cook for the two of them. She turned around and kissed me hard. She said she thought they might both work up a pretty good appetite. I pulled her close, my leg was between hers, my thigh rubing back and forth over her moistening pussy.
I kissed her neck softly, then grabed her ass with one hand and her flushed, full breast with the other. I whispered into her ear that he was bringing Brian with seemed like there might be an early graduation present around here somewhere.
Laurie seemed to freeze for a moment - then started shaking really hard, her thighs squeezing me between them. She grabed me and kissed me again. Then she grabed a glass of wine and said she had to go have a bath and get ready.
During the next hour, I kept myself busy by rolling up a bunch of joints. It had been a ‘family tradition’ during Sunday get-togethers at our house for David and I to escape periodically to my bedroom to get high. Brian had started to join us in our little revelry several years ago after his nineteenth birthday, so this would be no surprise.
As I was finishing my task, Laurie finished her bath and came into our bedroom to dress. My heart caught in my throat as she moved across the room, naked, flushed and still moist from the steamy tub. After all these years, her sexy good looks still take my breath away. Highlights in her short, dark red hair shone in the soft lighting of our room. Her breasts were firm and full, sitting high on her chest, her nipples hard in anticipation. The silky sheen of her love mound testified to her preparation in the bath. She held out her empty wine glass. “Get me another drink, baby…okay? I need to get ready before they get here.”
I took her glass, lit a joint and headed downstairs. I saw Laurie walk into her dressing room and close the door as I left our room. I had just finished pouring her wine when I heard the front door open and David calling out a greeting. I called back for them to join me in the kitchen where I was fixing drinks. When I turned around, my brother and his twenty-one year old son were standing in front of me. David and I said hello, then Brian moved close to give me his usual bear hug. Brian is about 6’2” tall, slim but well muscled. He is a very handsome young man with stylishly short red hair and eyes as blue as Laurie’s – he’d turned down opportunities to model all through his college career.
“Uncle Steven,” his voice was cracking and his pale skin was flushed a deep pink. “I don’t know what to say…I mean, oh my God, Aunt Laurie is so beautiful…I never thought…”
I stepped out of his brace, took a hit of the joint and gave it to him. “Here, Brian,” I said, trying to keep my voice as normal as possible. “I think you need to calm down a little so we can have a quick chat.” My nephew took a deep drag and handed the joint to his father. I turned to David. “You want a scotch, I know that. What about you, Brian? A coke? Beer? A drink?”
“Is ice water okay, Uncle Steve? I’d just as soon get high instead of drunk.” He seemed a little uncertain as to what was going on.
“That’s fine, Brian. Glasses are in that cabinet…help yourself.” I took the joint back from David and took another hit as I poured his scotch. Exhaling slowly, I looked at my nephew again. He moved around the kitchen with the grace of an athlete; his long, tapered fingers filled a glass with ice and water as I spoke.
“First thing is, don’t call me ‘Uncle’ any more. If you’re old enough for…you know… adult things, then you’re old enough to call me Steve.” I heard my brother chuckling softly in the background.
Brian looked up at me. “Yes, Unc…I mean okay, Steve.” He actually blushed as his dad and I started laughing simultaneously. “What else?”
I looked at David, then I stared, very hard, at my favorite nephew for a few very long seconds. “Just this, Brian.” Again, I tried to keep my voice as normal as possible. “I don’t know everything that your dad has told you about the three of us, but the bottom line is always… always, Brian… everything – anything that your aunt and your dad and I have done…has always been with love and respect for each others’ feelings.”
I took another hit of the joint and gave it back to David. He looked at me with the warmest smile I’d seen from him in years. I turned back to my now solemn-looking nephew. (Hey, it was never my intention to be a buzz-kill…I figured I better get him back on track quickly.) “And Brian…” I tried real hard to keep a straight face, “as I’m sure my brother would agree, we respect the fact that your Aunt is one of the great fucks of the Western World!”
It worked. David started laughing as he watched his son’s face react in shock and surprise. Then Brian heard his dad and blushing once more, broke out into a big grin. He walked over and hugged me again, whispering in my ear how I was ‘always his favorite uncle…even before his dad told him he could fuck his aunt!’
David looked up at me with one of his strange grins. “Tell me, little brother, where is your beautiful wife…my favorite slut?”
As if on cue, we heard Laurie calling from the top of the stairs, wanting me to bring her wine and our company up to our bedroom. With a glance at my brother and my nephew, I motioned towards the stairs and we started up together to go see my wife.
The bedroom door was open – the walls flickered with the light of candles spread around the room. David walked in and went directly to my massage chair where he sat down, adjusted the leg rest and turned it on. Brian was standing next to our bed; I walked behind David to where I had the joints rolled. I put Laurie’s glass down and lit one. I took a deep drag and walked over to Brian, handed it to him and then I slowly exhaled as he took a deep drag. I gave him the glass of wine in my hand. “Brian,” I motioned towards the door across the room, “Why don’t you take this to your aunt. I think she’s been waiting to see you.” It was like pushing a button; Brian started blushing again. With a big grin, he took the glass out of my hand and started towards Laurie’s dressing room.
As he got to the door, David said, “Leave it open, Brian. Your aunt likes an audience.” He looked over at me for a moment and then turned back to his son. “And your uncle and I like to watch her. Don’t we, little brother?” I nodded my agreement and we both watched as Brian pushed the door open and walked into the dressing room.
Laurie was sitting on a small stool in front of her dressing table, finishing her make-up. Soft light from the candles on her table was reflected off her mirror, throwing flickering highlights off of her silky skin, the sheen of her bath oil still coating her warm, flushed body. As she turned to greet her nephew, her excitement was evident – I can’t rber seeing her breasts so full, her nipples so hard and long. She turned half-way around as Brian neared her with the glass of wine. God, she was so beautiful! Her make-up was perfectly done (the way David prefers it), deep blue accenting her eyes and a dark pink lip color turning her mouth into a beautiful fuck-hole. She wore a long strand of pearls around her neck that fell between the slopes of her breasts and a pair of very sheer black thigh-high stockings completed her outfit. Brian handed her the glass, but it was quite clear that he couldn’t speak…his eyes were almost outside their sockets as his aunt stood up before him and took the glass out of his hand.
David and I watched, hardly breathing, as my wife, his slut, took a drink of the wine and set the glass down. It looked like she was moving in slow motion as she walked into her nephew’s arms, the candlelight still flickering across her moist flesh. She put her hands up and around Brian’s neck, drawing his face slowly down towards her open mouth. Just before their lips met, Laurie looked up at him and smiled. Even from the bedroom, I could see the familiar look of lust radiating from her eyes. “Thank you for the wine, Brian. I’m so happy to see you again.” Her voice had that special timbre that makes my cock hard almost instantaneously.
Brian backed away, just enough to run his eyes up and down her body – I could see his pleased reaction to her shaved cunt – and then he pulled her close and they shared their first kiss as lovers, not aunt and nephew. We watched them silently; I was smoking the joint and David was sipping his scotch as Laurie stood there, pressing her swollen tits into Brian as he groped her, finally grabing an ass cheek in each hand. She moaned into Brian’s mouth as he invaded her with his tongue. David caught my eye and winked at me.
Loud enough to be heard in the dressing room, my brother’s voice sounded much harsher than he looked. “Were you going to say hello to me, Laurie?” I could see her trble when he spoke, but I wasn’t sure if it was because of David’s voice or because of Brian’s long fingers playing with her ass and her pussy. She backed away, taking Brian’s hands in hers and kissing them.
I watched her, naked and hot, her skin glowing a dusky pink from the bath and Brian’s attentions as she reached to the tent in his trousers. She grasped him through the material and licked her lips. “Is this for a fifty year-old married aunt, Brian?”
He finally found his voice, but it was still cracking. “You are so beautiful, Aunt Laurie. Since I saw you the other night, you’re all I’ve been thinking about.” He took her breast in his hand and lifted it up, rolling the firm flesh in his palm. He bent down and sucked her swollen nipple between his lips, making my wife moan again. This time, I think it was in anticipation.
“I’m still waiting, slut.” David’s low growl cut through the room like a knife. I had a hard time suppressing a smile as Laurie’s body jerked around at the sound. Pulling away from Brian, my wife’s distended nipple popped out of his mouth, leaving him with a surprised look on his face.
As my wife moved slowly towards my brother, I motioned to Brian to be still and watch his aunt and his father. The only sound in the room, apart from four heavy breathers, was the wispy scratching sound of Laurie’s hose as she knelt between David’s outstretched legs. He dropped the leg rest of the chair so she could get as close as she needed to be. She sat back on her heels, her knees spread and her back straight, thrusting her breasts up and out. Her dusty pink nipples were swollen and stretched with her excitement.
She raised her head, revealing lust-glazed eyes. Her tongue ran slowly around her lips and her voice was low and soft as she spoke. “Hello, lover…I’ve missed you…it’s been too long.”
I brought my nephew around to the other side of the chair. Looking down at Laurie, we could see the moisture gathering on her spreading nether lips. Brian gasped as he watched his aunt drag her full breasts over David’s thighs as she reached for his belt.
David’s voice cracked a little. “Show me how much you’ve missed me, slut.” He took another sip of his scotch and relaxed back into the chair. Laurie’s fingers worked smoothly at his belt and then his zipper. He raised his hips as my wife pulled his pants and boxers down his legs and over his feet. She handed his clothes over to me as she slipped off his shoes and socks. Leaning forward, her hard nipples grazed his flesh as she brought her open mouth to his stiffening cock.
My brother is slightly longer than my 6 ? inches. After licking his stalk, letting a little of her saliva to drip over the thickening crown, Laurie had no trouble taking him all the way into her throat. As she buried her lips in his pubic hair, Brian grabed my arm. Hard. My wife started making swallowing sounds as she massaged David’s cock with her throat muscles. Brian was really squeezing my arm now. He was moaning with pure lust – so turned on, watching his dad controlling his beautiful aunt.
David looked over at his son and smiled. “Enjoying this, Brian?” Brian nodded, almost convulsively. “Wait,” David chuckled, “it gets better.” My brother lifted my wife’s mouth off of his rock-hard cock. He looked down at her, still kneeling between his legs. “Well, go ahead. What are you waiting for?”
Laurie seemed frozen in place, her face flushed deep red. “David,” she whispered, “I thought…you know…that was something…”
He looked annoyed. “Now, sister-in-law. You know what I want.”
Brian and I seemed to stop breathing at the same time. My mouth was completely dry as I watched Laurie hunch forward and gently lift David’s legs, placing them over the arms of the chair. He pushed the button that lowered the back of the chair, moving his hips forward and spreading his thighs even further apart. I had to take my nephew’s hand off my arm before he stopped all the circulation. Brian was staring hard, mumbling something. I turned back to see what he was seeing.
Laurie was holding David’s cock and balls in her left hand. She was licking his sac and then drawing his balls gently between her lips. Her right hand was between her legs, wetting her fingers with her slick cunt juice. She brought her hand up and slowly rubed her fingertips around and over his puckered back door. When she dropped her head and started licking up her creme, poking her tongue inside his ass, David, Brian and I all groaned together. David put a hand behind her neck and pulled her even closer.
“That’s right, slut…show your husband how you please me…lick it deep…clean my ass and I’ll let you finish sucking me off.”
Laurie moaned as he held her to him. She stiffened her tongue and reamed him thoroughly, deep-cleaning his ass. Then she lifted up and dropped her mouth over his stiff pole. Again, she started to massage him with her throat, swallowing around his thick meaty shaft. David started groaning again as he got closer to his climax. He felt the liquid heat welling up in his balls. His eyes were closed, but Brian and I watched as Laurie wet her fingers once again in her slick, moist pussy. Then she slid her finger slowly into his ass, fucking him with a lazy circular motion, stretching him enough to insert a second digit. That was all he could take. With a muffled scream, my brother started thrusting his hips up, fucking Laurie’s mouth as he spurted stream after stream of his cum down her throat.
My wife swallowed all she could, letting a small amount drip over her lips and fall to her breasts. As she gently withdrew her fingers, she licked his cock clean and then settled back down on her heels. She smiled at her lover. “Thank you, David. It really has been too long.”
David made a dismissive gesture towards her. Brian had just found his voice, mumbling about how ‘totally hot’ that was when his aunt stood and walked the two steps to me. I was so turned on, watching her submit to my brother’s desires. She smiled at me. “Did you like that, baby?” Her voice was so sweetly seductive. “Here, baby, help me clean up.” She lifted her breast to my mouth, still shiny with David’s cum. I took it in my mouth and sucked her clean. After I did the same to the other, my wife moved into my arms and kissed me as passionately as she ever had. It took my breath away and kept my cock rock-hard.
“Excuse me, little brother,” David spoke from the depths of the massage chair, “I believe you have another guest.” From behind me, I could feel Brian trying to get around me and next to his unbelievably hot aunt. I moved aside to let him pass; he had his hands on her before she knew what was happening. But she seemed instantly at ease in his long, strong youthful arms.
I leaned close to my brother. With my heart still in my throat, I asked him what, exactly, he had told his son he might expect.
He returned my whisper in normal voice. “I told him everything, little brother… everything.” I could feel the heat rising in my face, a strange mixture of shame and desire, barrassment and smoldering lust. “He’s ready and very willing to try anything.”
I looked back at my wife, her body still glistening from her exertions with David. Her lips were curled back in a strange smile; her eyes were like slits, bright blue lust shining out at me. My nephew was standing behind her, his long arms around her; one large hand massaging her breast, rolling her nipple between his long fingers; the other exploring the slick junction between her thighs. Laurie snaked a hand behind her to feel Brian’s cock as it lay against the small of her back.
“Oh goodness, Brian…” Laurie gasped as she felt his awesome length through his pants. “This is gonna be fun!”
David laughed from the chair. “It sure is, baby.” Then he looked at his son. “Okay, Brian, here’s the deal. You can fuck your sweet, little aunt any way you want. I expect you will several times before the night’s over.” Brian was grinning at his dad. He couldn’t help the giggle that escaped his mouth. “But if I were you, I would let your uncle direct the action…he has a special talent for this…”
Brian looked back and forth between David and me. The giggle was gone and he was looking a little confused. I lit a joint as David sipped his scotch. “Well…sure…I guess. If you think I should, Dad.”
David smiled at his son. “Oh yeah, Brian…just go with the flow…if you let it happen, this could be a night you’ll never forget.” I could smell Laurie’s rising excitement as David spoke to her. “You, my beautiful slut, make me proud of you. Give my son whatever he wants, Aunt Laurie…and make it the best he’ll ever have.”
My brother then turned his gaze on me. My heart was pounding and my breathing was getting shallow as I anticipated his words. “And you, Uncle Steve, you will show your favorite nephew what it’s like…to be my slut’s slut.”
I took another hit of the joint and handed it to David. Then I walked over to where Laurie and Brian were standing together. I gently pulled my wife out of his arms and sat her down on the edge of the bed. I turned to Brian, my voice low and as calm as I could make it. “Your aunt likes to be prepared before sex, Brianie. She finds that an oil body massage helps her relax while it heightens her sensuality.” Laurie was moaning softly from the bed. “I think you might enjoy helping me get her ready for you…what do you think?”
Brian’s eyes never left his aunt as he tried to speak. “Sure, Unc…I mean sure, Steve…what ever you say…” His mouth was so dry he could hardly get the words out.
“Have a drink of water, Brian…have a hit of the joint…calm down…this could be a long evening.”
I moved Laurie back up on the bed while Brian did the things I suggested. When he was a little more in control, he walked back over to the bed. “Okay, Steve…” his dopey grin was back, along with his voice, “just tell me what to do.”
“I think the first thing you should do is kiss your aunt, Brian. Kiss her like you mean it.”
My tall, slim nephew sat down on the side of our bed next to Laurie. He drew his hand slowly up her stocking covered leg, his long fingers sliding next over the soft skin of her inner thigh. Laurie’s soft moans and the tinkling of ice in David’s glass were the only sounds in the room. Then Laurie sucked in a mouthful of air as Brian dipped a finger into the wet groove where her beautiful dancer’s legs met. With the wet tip of his finger, Brian traced the fleur-de-lis tattoo on the side of Laurie’s freshly shaved love mound. Just as smooth as his dad, he bent over her and licked her where his finger had just been. Laurie gasped as she felt his tongue glide over her hot crease. Her aroma was starting to fill the room.
Brianie moved up to suck her nipple into his mouth. As he held it between his lips, I whispered to him. “She likes it when you bite her, Brian. Very gently, use your lips to cushion her nipple, then bite her through your lips.” I could tell he knew exactly what I meant as Laurie started to writhe under his touch. “Enough now, Brianie…just kiss your aunt and we can get started.”
As Brian kissed his aunt, exploring her mouth with his long tongue, their lips rolling over each other, I knelt between my wife’s legs and rolled her stockings down her shapely thighs and over her slim calves. When they broke their kiss, both breathing so hard, I told Brian to roll Laurie on to her stomach. As he did, I walked back over to David and took another hit of the joint he had been holding for me. I grinned at him. “Enjoying this so far, bro?” He nodded with a big smile. “Did you tell him everything, David? Really? Do you think he wants the total experience?” David kept smiling at me.
“Yes, little brother…I told him everything…he freaked a little at first, but then he realized that sucking cock every once-in-a-while didn’t make either of us totally gay – his words – and then he asked me if you were any good at it.” My brother was trying really hard not to laugh out loud.
I took another deep drag as David tried to control himself. “Okay, big brother, then get ready… It’s Showtime!”
Laurie was laying on her stomach in the middle of our king-size bed, her head resting on her hands, her legs spread comfortably about shoulder width. Her nephew was kissing her neck, gently massaging her ass cheek with his large, powerful hand. I rubed Brian’s shoulder to get his attention; he looked up at me, his eyes gleaming just like his aunt’s when she is totally turned on.
“Brian, we’re going to massage your aunt with oil. It gets kind of messy – I’m gonna take off my clothes now and I suggest you do the same.”
As I started to undress, Laurie lifted her head towards me. “No, baby…I think you should undress Brian…he is our guest, isn’t he?” Her voice was so soft and sexy, with just the barest hint of bitch. I thought all three of them could see my heart pounding as Laurie started to play our special game in earnest.
I didn’t say anything as I finished removing my clothes. I walked around the bed and my nephew stood up before me. His expression was still a little confused, but I could feel the heat of his excitement radiating from his body. I unbuttoned his shirt and then slid it off his broad shoulders. He has a classic ‘swimmer’s’ physique, his muscles well-defined and not an ounce of fat anywhere. I knelt in front of him and slipped his shoes and socks off his feet. Then I heard him gasp, like he just that moment realized it was really happening, as I unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants, anxious now to get to the thick, heavy package hidden beneath.
My hands grasped his slim, muscular hips; I slid his pants down his legs and helped him step out of them. My heart was beating even faster as he stood there in his boxers, his erection causing an unbelievable tent pointing right at me. In slow motion, I pulled them down, releasing his long, thick cock. It stood out at about a 45° angle, maybe nine inches long and three inches around. Of course, his magnificent meat had the same pale coloring as the rest of his skin, the sparse hair as red as the hair on his head. I took him in my hand and felt the throbing of the blood filling him, making him even longer and harder. With my other hand, I cupped his sac, his balls heavy and large.
But mostly, I was struck by the beauty of the magnificent head that crowned his regal shaft. As he grew in my hand, the skin below the crown stretched thin and pink while the head stayed soft and spongy, a light rose color. Unable to resist, I brought him to my mouth and sucked his head between my lips. It was un- fucking-
With my left hand, I stroked his length; with my right I grabed his firm, trim ass. Letting my finger burrow gently between his lean cheeks, gently circling his hot little ass hole, I told him he has a beautiful cock and it would be my pleasure to suck it for him any time he wanted. But now, it was time to get Laurie ready to fuck him.
As Brian climbed on to one side of the bed, he asked me if he could have more ice water. My brother cracked up, laughing out loud from his vantage point in the massage chair. Shaking his head back and forth, he said, “Brian, Brian, Brian…he just told you he’d suck your cock anytime you want…he’s getting his wife ready for you to fuck…” David looked at me with a goofy grin. “What do you think, little brother? Is a refill on the ice water too much?”
Even Laurie was chuckling as Brian turned a bright red. She raised herself up on an elbow, her full heavy breast exposed at her side and grabed her wine glass. She handed it to me, asking me to get her a refill as well. Still chuckling, I took David’s glass as well and headed downstairs to get the drinks.
Laurie took a long pull of her wine as I handed her the glass – then she put it back up on the headboard shelf and laid back down in her massage position. Brian drank some of his water and did the same with his glass. As I handed my brother his scotch, he handed me a lit joint. I took a deep drag as I retrieved the massage oil from my closet. I knelt down on the bed at Laurie’s waist. I blew the smoke in a soft stream over the sensuous curves of her rounded ass. I reached across her and handed the potent pot to Brian. As he inhaled, I started the massage.
I spread a generous amount of the lightly scented oil all over my wife’s left shoulder and upper back. After Brian put the joint down, he took the oil and copied my movements on Laurie’s right side. Together, under the flickering candlelight, we massaged her with long, deep strokes from her shoulders and neck down to her lower back. I showed my nephew how to circle her shoulder with one hand and slide the other beneath her breast to massage her upper chest.
When her back was relaxed, we moved together, kneeling on either side of her perfectly rounded ass. With more oil, we started rubing her firm cheeks. Her spread legs had opened her anal cleavage a little to begin with – by the time we were through, her cute little crinkled asshole was glistening with the oil our fingers spread over and in it. I showed Brian how his aunt likes to be massaged there. With my right hand, I gripped her firmly around the top of the inside of her thigh. With my left, I covered the softness of her lower ass-cheek where that incredibly sexy curve turns from ass to thigh. On the other side, Brian again mimicked my actions. As we gave her a deep massage, I told my nephew to play with her cunt…gently pull her lips…rub her clit… Laurie started moaning as four hands played with her oil-slick body. I told Brian to start to finger her – gently, at first, to loosen her up. I pulled her ass back a little from my side so I could see his long middle finger slide into her slick pussy. I looked over at my brother and motioned him towards the bed.
When he was close enough to see, I told Brian it was time to loosen up her other hole. I let some oil drizzle between her spread cheeks and roll over her anus. I told him to use his thumb, gently circling and pressing down until he could feel her take him in. I looked at my nephew, totally immersed in this unbelievable experience. As he knelt at Laurie’s side, his breath shallow and his eyes never resting as they traveled up and down the length of her, his massive prick was laying across his aunt’s oily ass.
David was standing to my side, sipping his scotch when he put a joint to my lips. As I took a deep drag, he spoke quietly to me. “Okay, little brother…enough screwing around.” I handed him back the joint and smiled.
Laurie’s moans were soft and sexy, a continuous background to my conversation with my nephew. “Okay, Brian, gently pull out of her ass. Feel her grip your thumb.” He gave me a look of astonishment that quickly became a huge grin.
He leaned up towards Laurie’s head. His voice was full of joy. “Aunt Laurie…I love you so much. You are just…God, I don’t know…”
My wife turned her face towards him. With a wide smile, she rose enough to kiss her loving nephew on his full lips. “I love you, too, Brianie. That’s why you’re here.” She kissed him again, and then said, “Let my husband get us ready, baby.”
My nephew turned to me, full of expectation and ready for something to happen. “What should I do, Steve?” His face was flushed, heat radiating from his pale flesh.
Laurie was laying on her side, looking at her nephew. Her breathing was getting faster, more shallow as she swept her hand down Brian’s side, rolling her fingers over his slim hips and reaching around to find the dark warmth of his anus. Her eyes became ice-blue slits as she watched the blood start to thicken his long, beautiful shaft. Her moaning was a message that she was getting impatient.
I started to stroke the length of my wife’s body, her flesh shiny and slick from the oil and her excitement, glistening in the flickering light of the candles around the room. My left hand found the slick, hairless groove between her thighs and my fingers gently parted her swollen lips. My right hand found its way to my nephew’s groin, where I cupped his heavy balls in my palm. My voice was soft as I asked him, “How do you want her, Brian?” I looked into his eyes – they were becoming the same ice-blue slits as his aunt’s.
I stuck a finger into Laurie’s steaming cunt, making sure we could all her juices sloshing inside her. I lowered my face to his swelling cock and gently sucked the plum-shaped head into my mouth. He groaned as I rolled my tongue over the sensitive ridge of the crown of his majestic shaft. After a moment of pure bliss, I let him slide out between my lips. His cock was twitching as the blood continued to fill him. “You wanna fuck her cunt?” I spread her lips apart and slid a second finger inside her. When she started bucking her hips into my hand, I withdrew my cream-covered fingers from her frothy pussy. With my right hand, I reached over her hip and spread her ass cheeks. When her puckered brownish pink hole was exposed, I slid a finger into her backside.
Laurie gasped a the sudden intrusion. My voice was a harsh whisper. “Or do you want to start off fucking your aunt in the ass, Brian?” His breath was coming faster now; a drop of shiny pre-cum leaked from the hole in the tip of his dick, now grown to mammoth length and girth.
Brian looked at me, his lust making the task of choosing impossible. “Tell me what to do, Uncle Steve. Dad said you would make it the best…so…you tell me, okay?”
I heard my brother’s grunt of agreement from across the room. I gently removed my finger from Laurie’s tight butt-hole and rolled her on to her back. I slid a small pillow under her ass and spread her legs wide. I moved Brian so he was kneeling between her slick, flushed thighs and took his cock in my hand, sliding him up and down through her wet slit. They were both moaning, lost in the feeling, the sensuality of the moment. They were both chilled with thought of this incestuous act.
Brian’s pole was rock-hard and he had to move his hips back to get the right angle as I positioned his cockhead between his aunt’s swollen labia. As I guided him slowly inside my wife’s juicy cunt, his eyes rolled back in his head. “Oh, my God…” Brian moaned from deep in his throat, “Aunt Laurie…this is unbelievable…Dad…” He turned around to look at his father, watching intently, a proud smile plastered across his face. “Her pussy feels like liquid fire…I’ve never felt anything like this…” He turned back to his aunt and gripped her around her hips. Brian used his strong arms to pull her up his thighs as he knelt before her, forcing the full length of his blood-stiffened cock into her moist channel, filling her completely.
Laurie’s eyes were closed, breathless gasps and moans escaping her lips as her young lover fucked her hard and deep. Brian rocked back and forth, plunging his creme-covered fuck stick into my wife’s hungry cunt up to his swollen balls, then pulling out slowly, drawing her lips with him until her plunged again. He slid a hand up her sweaty torso until he held her breast tightly in his large hand. He squeezed her tit flesh hard enough to leave red marks, and then he started to twist and pull her nipple.
Laurie opened her eyes, first making eye contact with David. I glanced his way and saw him nod slightly to her. Then my hot little wife looked into her nephew’s eyes. With the deepest, breathiest voice she had, she said, “Brian, baby…listen to me, honey. Tonight you can have me any way you want me…and I promise you’re gonna have a great time.” I looked at Brian as he moaned out loud. His cock was buried to the hilt, and I knew Laurie had to be squeezing his full length were her talented pussy walls.
“But just a little ‘ fyi’ baby…” My wife’s eyes were glazing over again, her body succumbing to her lust, her passions inflamed by every facet of the scenario unfolding before all of us. “Brian,” her voice was lower, even sexier as she whispered to him, “the kind of pain that really makes me hot…it comes from your beautiful cock pounding into my cunt when you loose all control…it comes from your monster dick stretching my ass, forcing me to take all of you there. But the rest of me responds a lot better to soft and gentle than hard and rough, baby.” Laurie pulled Brian down to her and kissed him hard and deep, squeezing him against her full breasts.
As she broke the kiss, she smiled at him. “But, baby…really…tonight you can do anything you want to me…just please, baby…” Laurie’s body was rocking back and forth as Brian fucked her harder and deeper than before. “Please baby… don’t ever stop fucking me…Jesus, David!!!” Laurie screamed across the room, “His big, fuckin’ cock is gonna make me cum…oh, God, Brianie…I can feel you, baby…don’t stop…I can feel you against my cervix, opening me up, lover…Oh God!” Laurie screamed, “It hurts, baby… no, don’t stop…I’m gonna cum on your big, fat cock, lover…unghhh…David, I love your son…will you let me keep fucking him after tonight?”
Beads of sweat were dropping from my nephew’s face as he continued his assault on his aunt’s well-fucked cunt. I could see his attention shift, waiting for his father to respond to Laurie’s question. His cock was rock hard as he kept battering against the depths of her fiery pussy.
Laurie’s groans were getting louder, more insistent as her nephew plumbed the depths of her liquid love. She knew that is she tipped her hips up, into just the right position, Brianie would be able to slip his cockhead into her cervix. More than anything, she wanted, no…she needed to feel his hot blast shoot into in her as deep as he could go.
David sipped his drink, motioned me over with a joint in his hand, while considering his slut’s request. He looked at me – I shrugged my shoulders, took a big hit and smiled at him. He knew the risks and the rewards of this scenario as well as I did. I knew, if he decided to let them carry on, he would accept his responsibility should anything go wrong.
Together, we watched his son fuck my wife, taking her to places neither of us had ever been. Later, she would tell us it was the situation that took her out of control; just the thought of fucking Brianie in front of both David and me made her cunt spasm. When it finally happened for real, she lost all control.
I moved back to the bed to observe the scene on display. Laurie was on her back, her pelvis tipped up like a supplicant, ready to receive the holy scepter again and again. Her skin was flushed a rosy pink; her nipples were hard as diamonds crowning slick and swollen breasts. Brian was flushed as well, with sweat dripping off his angular face and splashing lightly on to his aunt’s searing flesh. I moved closer and put my hands on their joined sex.
“Brian, stop for a minute. Calm down just a little…” I spoke slowly and quietly as he stopped rocking his hips forward and back. When he withdrew his creme-covered stalk I wrapped my hand around him and slowly drew him all the way out of my wife’s sweet cunt. They both protested but I didn’t pay them any attention as I gently rolled Laurie over until she was laying face down, her head on the pillow. Her left side was raised slightly as I drew her left leg up and bent her knee. In this position, her perfect ass was raised and tilted towards her nephew, her newest lover.
I bent over her and spread her cheeks with my left hand, With my right, I scooped up some lubrication from her frothy cunt and spread it over and around her puckered back door. Her protests stopped and her moaning began as she realized what was in store. Brian’s eyes were burning a hole in me as I leaned in further and used my tongue to open up her anal passage. When she was ready, I leaned back and took my nephew’s cock in my hand. I looked at my brother, hoping I would see a pleased and knowing look on his face. I did.
I turned back and grabed the bottle of massage oil. After letting a few drops fall on Laurie’s butt-hole, I squirted a little in my hand and then rubed it all over Brian’s throbing cock. I put the bottle down and brought Brian closer, laying him down on his right side behind his aunt. Again, I spoke softly as I rubed his magnificent erection. “Let me do this until she’s ready for you, okay?” Brian mumbled something – I took it as a ‘yes’. I put his left arm over Laurie’s side until his fingers found her firm tit and then the pointed nipple. As he kissed her sweat-covered neck and played with her distended tip, I took his cock and put it against her rear opening. They gasped together as the dark-pink plum shaped cockhead pressed into her tight hole. I leaned down and whispered in my wife’s ear. “Relax, baby…you’re so beautiful like this…so hot…rber, baby, breathe easy…when you feel him push in, you push out…okay?” She whimpered something back to me – again, I assumed it was her agreement so I moved back to see the penetration I was orchestrating. Tightening my grip around Brian’s huge hard-on, I pushed him into Laurie’s ass.
As he got his huge head past her sphincter, Laurie groaned. And again, her comments were directed towards my brother. “Oh David…God, he’s so big…” I was holding him in place, letting her backside adjust to his amazing girth. “So…unghh…” I fed several more inches of my nephew’s man-meat into my wife’s ass. “Christ that feels so good, Brianie.” Laurie seemed to have adjusted, so I let Brian slide the next few inches past her stretched-out ring. Again, Laurie moaned as she repeated her earlier request. “Jesus, David…please…unghh…can I, lover? Can I…keep fucking your son…OH MY GOD…”
When I saw Laurie’s muscles relax, I slowly pulled Brian all the way out her. It was so hot, seeing how her asshole remained open, as if waiting to be filled again. Entranced, I put my face between her cheeks and reamed her with my tongue; I had to experience that myself.
Then once again, I took my nephew in hand and brought him to her wide-open backside. This time, I guided him in about half-way and then with drew him again. And still, her asshole remained open, perhaps the most blatant invitation I have ever seen. I called David over to the bed to witness this depravity up close and personal.
Hardly believing his eyes, he took three fingers and slid them easily up her backside. He leaned over and kissed her neck, then whispered something in her ear. She started moaning even before he straightened up and took his son’s fully erect cock in his hand and plunged him as far up her ass as he could go. Laurie’s moans turned into a short scream, matched by Brian, as he buried his full ten inches straight up her rectum. After a moment’s hesitation, he pulled himself all the way out of her rear chute. And again, her gateway held itself open for more.
David must have seen enough to answer Laurie’s question. But he did it by speaking to his son. “Okay, Brian…don’t keep her waiting…fuck her ass now – good and hard.” Again the two lovers moaned and groaned, mumbling to each other as Brian’s long, muscular body was covering his aunt’s back. He was nibling on the back of her neck, playing with her tits again, as he fucked her asshole, sawing in and out, picking up his tempo the longer they fucked.
“So, Brian,” David continued, “is she an okay fuck?”
“Jesus, Dad…yeah… duh!” He couldn’t help it, I guess…he started giggling as he was fucking my wife’s ass. Laurie’s moans kept my attention on Brian’s cock as he slid in and out of her back door.
“Okay, then, Son…here’s the deal.” Now he was looking directly at me as he spoke. “Did I tell you that he’s moving back here?” I shook my head. “He’s gonna be working for my friend – the one he interned with last summer. So, I figure he’s gonna need a slut.”
Laurie moaned as she understood her brother-in-law’s intentions. “Yeah, I think it could, you know, make things easier for him.” I must have looked a little puzzled, but David continued. “First, he won’t have any pressure if he just needs to get laid, right?” Laurie was moaning non-stop as Brian was playing with her nipples while plunging into her faster and deeper with each stroke. “Second, if he finds an apartment…you know, he’ll probably have some roommates…either from college or maybe, some friends from high school.” Laurie groaned as she listened to David. Brian graduated high school with our daughter. Many of his friends knew Laurie from years before. “If something comes up with them, he may need a slut to take care of the problem, or whatever…you know, to be around to fuck them or blow them if they want it. Maybe,” and he winked at me, “he’ll need a hostess for a card game or something.”
Laurie was rocking back and forth as Brian fucked her faster and faster. “Fuck me, baby…Brianie, you’re gonna make me cum again, baby…please, don’t stop…keep fucking me with you huge cock, Brianie…”
“And third,” David resumed his countdown, “he may have some kind of situation at work where the services of a slut might be helpful. You know, fuck the boss…fuck the clients, whatever.
“So, to answer your question, Laurie…will I let you keep fucking him?...let me put it this way. If you want to continue as my slut…you’ll be my son’s slut as well.”
I know Laurie heard him as her moans turned into the little screams that always seem to precede her orgasm. She almost couldn’t get the words out. “Is that what you want, Brianie? Do you want your aunt to be your very own, personal slut?”
“Dad?” Brian turned his face to look at his father.
Smiling, David said, “It means she’ll do what you ask her to, Son. She’ll be available to you…and to anyone you say…any time, any place. All you need to do is to tell her she will be your slut as you cum in her ass.”
Brian jumped a little as I started to massage his swollen balls and play gently with his asshole. “God, Uncle Steven,” he could barely speak, “that feels so great…I’m gonna cum…” His cock was moving like greased lighting in and out of her ass. “Laurie…you’re gonna be my slut…unghhh…Jesus…you are my slut, Laurie…until I say that you’re not.”
At that moment, I could feel his climax start to move up from his swollen sac through the bottom of his stalk. I had to pull my hand away as he buried himself up to his balls. His ass cheeks clenched repeatedly as he poured jet after jet of his cum into my wife’s well-fucked rectum.
Underneath his taut flesh, my wife was groaning, deep into a sexual frenzy. Her nephew fucked her ass so well, she thought. The scenario’s David painted while Brianie plunged in and out of her tight ring made her hotter and hotter. When he mentioned being a hostess for a card game, she felt her climax starting deep in her spasming cunt. As it grew inside her, she realized she was going to cum on Brian’s magnificent tool – something that almost never happens for her – and realizing it made her climax grow even stronger. Then, as she felt his beautiful cock swell up inside her and plunge as deep as it could go, and she felt the thick, hot cum splash inside her, she heard Brian declare his ‘ownership’ of her…and her orgasm rolled through every fiber of her body, washing her with waves of pure pleasure as she lay still underneath her young nephew’s body.
Brian was still buried inside his aunt’s sweet ass as he started to calm himself, his breathing slowly returning to normal, the savage expression softening back to the face that showed awe and wonder. He licked the sweat off of her neck as he grabed a handful of hot, firm breast. “I don’t think I heard you answer me, Aunt Laurie.” His voice held a small trace of disbelief at his unbelievable good luck. He pulled her nipple slowly, sending flashes of pleasure through her cunt. His voice dropped to a hoarse whisper. “Are you my slut? Just like my dad said?”
Laurie groaned again, knowing (she thought) what the consequences of her desires might be. She rolled her head back and kissed her nephew hard and deep. Her eyes were ice-blue slits. When she broke the kiss, she asked, “Do you want me, Brianie? Or is it because David said it?” She rolled her hand over his side and around his hip until her deft fingers found his balls resting against her ass cheeks. “If you want me to be your slut, baby…” she squeezed his sac, “tell me to do something slutty.”
Brian looked thoughtful for a moment, then his boyish grin returned. He held Laurie’s cheeks apart as he slowly withdrew from the depths of her bowels. Although his cock was soft and pliable, it was still long and thick from the blood still trapped there. He moved around so that he was leaning against the headboard with his back, his legs spread and his knees drawn up. His voice cracked as he tried to bark out his first command. “Clean my cock, slut! Suck it clean!”
Laurie moved me out of her way as she knelt between Brian’s legs, sitting back on her heels in the same submissive pose she had used earlier with my brother. As she brought her hands around her, she put them on the inside of his thighs, sliding forward until her mouth met her hands at his cock. She moaned deeply as she licked the top layer of their union off his long, thick shaft. Then she licked her way up, finally sucking his head between her lips. Brian was moaning almost as loudly as she was as her tongue worked its magic over the crown and around the sensitive ridge, all the time sucking and swallowing around him. She let him slide out from between her swollen lips, holding him up in her left hand while cupping his slime-covered sac in her right. Brian had a hand on her shoulder, pushing her down, urging her to give his balls the same treatment. And she obliged him, taking each of his balls into her mouth, gently licking the soft flesh of their sex residue. When she felt him clean, she started to move back up when she felt her nephew’s hands on her shoulders. “Not yet, Laurie. You’re not through.” His hands pressed harder, moving her face down. “My ass, slut…you forgot to clean my ass.”
I had drifted back to the massage chair where David had a joint lit for me. I took a hit and handed it back to him. Together, we watched his son learn how to control a very willing woman. We watched my wife fuel her sexual desires by submitting to the moment, doing as her young nephew asked. She used her hands to spread him wider and after teasing him with little licks around his tight brown hole, she hardened her tongue and plunged it deep into his ass.
Brianie’s head was rolling back and forth as his aunt continued her assault on his back door. He held her head between his hands, his voice straining with every word. “Hold it there, slut…deep. That’s right…now move it around, but leave it in me.” Laurie’s body started to shake as Brian’s words held her captive. “God, it feels so good…” His hands moved from her head to her shoulders, pulling her face deeper into his ass. “I can’t wait to see you…doing this…to my friends…” Laurie’s shakes had turned to quakes as he brought her darkest desires to light. “Oh God, Laurie… Aunt Laurie…I can’t wait ‘til I see you fuck your daughter’s old boy friends…”
Laurie started reacting to the heat radiating from her leaking cunt. Her body started to shake and she couldn’t hold her position any longer. She looked up at him, her look was pure lust, her voice almost a whisper. “You would make me do that, Brianie?” Her eyes fell to his rock-hard pole, admiring the resilience of youth. She bent over him and plunged her mouth down over him, taking him deep into her throat on the first pass.
(David and I gave each other looks of pure amazement – knowing what Brian was feeling.)
As she held him in her throat, making swallowing movements that massaged the full length of his turgid shaft, Brian continued to lead her into the dark. He reached forward and palmed her heavy breasts, his voice still like a menacing whisper. “Oh yeah, Aunt Laurie…maybe…yeah…you know what? I know some of her girlfriends who would like some of this as well.” Laurie moaned all over his cock as she started sucking hard at the head and jacking him off, trying to make him cum again for her.
I looked at David again as we shared the last of the joint. As I leaned across him to snuff it out in the ashtray, I felt his hands on my shoulders, pushing me slightly downward. Seeing the clear liquid seeping from the tip of his thickening cock, I opened my lips wide and took him into my mouth. I stayed there while he gently rocked his hips in the chair, watching his son and my wife growing ever closer, until he was hard enough for what he really wanted.
He pushed me back and then let down the leg rest. He walked over to the bed, his hard cock sticking out in front of him as he approached Laurie from the rear. He was on his knees, behind her; his firm flesh pole directly behind her. He put his hands on the hot, moist skin covering her curved hips. Instinctively, she moved her legs apart, allowing his access to her steamy sex. He leaned over her back, sliding his cock deep into her cunt. Laurie groaned around Brian’s cockhead, still sucking and slurping as she continued to jack him off. As my brother started to fuck my wife hard and fast, she started bobing her head up and down over her nephew’s huge erection, matching the timing and the tempo of the assault on her cunt.
Brian’s eyes were wide open as he watched his father take his aunt, more forcefully than he could have imagined. Every time David slammed into her, it drove more of his son’s cock down her throat. It was the hottest thing Brianie had ever experienced, and he could feel the onset of his climax starting to push up from his swollen balls. Laurie started to feel it, too. She wanted them both…simultaneously…to pour all of their cum into her… filling her cunt and her belly with their love.
She took a wet finger and worked it slowly into Brian’s ass; at the same time, she started squeezing David’s cock in a rhythm that she knew would make him loose control. And within seconds, both of her lovers started the grunting and groaning that signaled their impending climax. And seconds after that, they both exploded, shooting stream after stream of cum down her throat and up her cunt at the same time.
I watched from the chair as David slowly withdrew his spent cock from Laurie’s gaping pussy. She moved off of Brian and lay down next to him, kissing him across his chest, licking the sweat from his neck. David moved over next to her, laying on his side so he could talk with his son. He was stroking Laurie from her hips, over her smooth mound and up to her breasts, rubing and holding her magic flesh, in love with the feel of it. “Well, my boy,” David’s tone was all smiles as he spoke to his son, “what do you think of your Aunt Laurie now?” Brian wore a grin that just wouldn’t go away. He looked down his aunt’s body, admiring the curves and the shapes and the feel of her flushed skin.
He brought his gaze back up, saw Laurie looking at him – her eyes so warm, so loving; her lips felt so good as she kissed him. Brian shook his head in total amazement. He said, “I always said that you and,” he nodded in my direction, “Uncle Steve were my favorites.” Laurie giggled as she dragged her lips over his little pink nipple. “No, really… you know, Dad, right?”
David’s was completely deadpan as he responded. “Sure, Brian…you always told me Aunt Laurie was your favorite…right after she showed you her tits and french-kissed you in the bar.”
Laurie and I were laughing out loud and Brian was turning a bright pink. “Oh yeah,” David continued, “I rber now…you always said Uncle Steve was your favorite, too…” He turned his head, showing me a grin that matched his son’s. “Right after he said he’d suck your cock.”
We all laughed then. David lay down on his back, still stroking Laurie as he relaxed. Brian lifted Laurie’s face and kissed her gently on the lips. He slid his hand down until he was cupping her breast, pulling gently on her firm, extended nipple. “But what about you, Laurie? You didn’t cum.” Feeling the loving concern in his voice, Laurie kissed him again, rolling her tongue over his.
David spoke quietly from Laurie’s side. “She usually doesn’t cum from just fucking, Brian.” David grinned as he turned his head towards me. “Your uncle has a real important job here.” He patted the bed between my wife’s thighs. “Why don’t you come over her and show your nephew what I mean.”
I walked over to the bed and gently rolled Brian off of Laurie and helped her into a sitting position. Then I laid down on my back, between my brother and his son. Laurie rocked up onto her knees and crawled forward, trapping my arms beneath her as she straddled my head. Her gaping, dark pink cunt lips were poised just inches over my mouth. David’s cum was starting to collect along her labia. A long, thick stream of white cum dripped slowly on to my tongue. As the taste expanded through my mouth, I drew her hips down until I could cover her cunt with my lips. Creating a seal, I gently sucked his creme from my wife, his slut.
When I had sucked her clean, I started flicking the tip of my tongue around her clit, then through the slick slit between her lips and down to her puckered star. Laurie started moving her hips back and forth over my mouth. She was moaning as my tongue stiffened and probed into her well-used cunt. I felt my brother and his son sit up beside me, both of them stroking my wife’s hot, moist skin. She pulled their heads down until they were both, father and son, sucking on her distended nipples. Her moans were turning into a low scream gathering in the back of her throat; her pussy was leaking her juice into my mouth. As she flexed her hips once again, I took my tongue out of her cunt and started to draw slow circles with the tip around her hard clit. The faster she moved her cunt over my mouth, the slower I licked, just barely grazing her love button. Just then (she told me later) Brian stopped sucking her tit and rbering what I had told him earlier, he bit down on his lips around her taut nipple. Laurie lost all control, screaming her lust as her climax rolled through her.
The four of us slowly untangled, carefully disengaging ourselves from one another where we had all collapsed from the force of Laurie’s orgasm. When I was finally upright and sitting next to my wife, she leaned against me, turning her face into mine as she kissed me as deeply and passionately as she ever had. “God, I love you, baby,” she mumbled as she broke our kiss.
From behind us, I heard our nephew’s astonishment again. “You guys are just too cool.” His world had changed – he just didn’t know how much yet. For a quick moment, his expression changed from the goofy grin that he had worn most of the evening to a little show of concern. He tapped her, tentatively, on the shoulder. “Uhm…Aunt Laurie…” She turned her face to him, smiling with such tenderness and warmth. “…I mean… you’re still gonna…you know…” Brian was blushing furiously. Laurie got up on her knees and put her arms around her nephew. When she was close enough so that her nipples were grazing his rippled chest (Christ, he was beautiful!), she kissed him softly and deeply.
“What is it, lover? What do you want to ask me, baby?”
Brian backed away enough to leave room for his hand to cover her breast. As he massaged her firm tit, he found his voice. “Are you, you know…going to do everything we…uhm…talked about?”
Laurie gave him another kiss, then looked around to David. My brother kissed his slut lovingly, then got up off the bed. He looked at his son with a father’s pride and love. “Time to go, Brian. I think your aunt and your uncle want to be alone now.” His voice dropped a little, sounding slightly ominous. “And I need to have a talk with you.”
Brian got nervous, his voice cracking. “Is everything okay, Dad? Did I do…”
David couldn’t keep up the pretense as he and I were chuckling. “No, Brian. Nothing’s wrong. It’s just real obvious that you need a few lessons in how to treat a slut. Now let’s go.”
After they dressed, Laurie, still beautifully naked, walked them to the door and kissed them goodbye. I heard her tell them to come visit soon.
It had to happen
It was bound to happen . . . .
It was bound to happen. Too long a time playing with “fire” and one day I was going to get burned . . . er, fucked by a man. The basement was doing great and we were getting a lot of people coming in. It had remained as I designed for a long time. Some of the bois were bitching and moaning that from time to time they wanted a male cock up their asses. I, understanding that I could not refuse set some rules. The bois doing the work of “fuckers” had to be the ones we already know and that have been here with us since day one. I really did not want any abusive male coming in and spoiling our fun. No offense to our gay friends here in Lush Stories but I really never had any interest in having sex with another man. It just did not attract me. I have been used and abused for several years by my ladies. And I am OK with that. I get all the sex I want and do not have to deal with another man.
mega orgasm - be ready
I have accepted the reality that I love anal sex. And I can live with that. As a matter of fact, I do believe that I may be addicted to this type of sex and like all addictions it may come back one day and hurt me. So far no hurts. So far is all sex and fun. But with this new wrinkle that some bois wanted other bois fucking them we had to go ahead and change some rules just a bit. One, like I said above, all bois we had to know. Two, all sex with boi to boi was totally consensual. Nobody is going to be forced to do what they do not want to do. Three, all bois doing the “fucker” function would wear condoms. Four, no limits per station and per boi. So now we had a new aspect to count. Everything was going OK and all seemed to be having a lot of sexual fun. My girls, Gaby and Nancy, have been after me for me to try the boi to boi sex. I kept resisting. One day what had to happen some day, happened. I was on the Pummel Horse and had been there for a while. I was, as usual, blindfolded and gagged. I did not worry about counts. I knew that somebody was counting. I had already more than one, probably more than 10 “fuckers” coming through my boipussy. I had been thoroughly satisfied. And I was not moving until onre of the girls would come and tell me that I had to let another boi with the horse. So I was happy and content. Then some other girl jumps on the horse and I am told to hold on that a big cock is going to fuck me. I was not concerned because my boipussy is stretched already by big dildos. I was well lubed and my pussy opened and ready. So I feel this cock pushing the lips of my pussy and I note a slight difference in the girth and the whole feeling of the cock. Always our cocks were of the same material and kind of made us totally accustomed to that material. So if a new material was being introduced we would feel the difference. It has happened to me several times that I am able to identify new dildo stuff. So, here was probably another new dildo. I was happy with the in/out. It started slow and me feeling every glorious millimeter by millimeter of the new cock. It got to the end and I felt totally full. My ass was full with cock. The best position to be in. I enjoyed so much this part of my fucking. Just standing still with all my inside full of cock. Like I said, simply fantastic. The girl with the new cock/dildo began the out/in with greater speed and my pussy lips were feeling every in and every out. I really was in fuck heaven. The lips transfer to the brain all the nuances of the cock/dildo and every move through the lips and when it goes by the “G” spot inside my ass. I was really excited and having much pleasure. The in/out continued at greater speed and soon I was feeling something I had never felt before. I felt the cock/dildo jerking a bit and spasming inside. I felt some movement I had never felt before when all of a sudden I feel the cock squirting a warm liquid in my insides. WTF, I yelled in my brain. What is happening. Did I just get fucked by a boi???? The only explanation I had for the liquid and the warmth is that it was actually male sperm and I just got really fucked. Now, initially I was really upset and I forgot all the sexual pleasure I had. Because yes, I also cum. I also had my orgasm which was stronger than other times and it grew stronger as the sperm filled my ass. But I was so pissed that I was really forgetting all my pleasure. Then I hear Gaby that says, “don’t worry hun, you will like the next boi, What???? I could not complaint I was well tied and gagged. This time they even had tied my head down so that I could not even show displeasure by moving my head. Evidently the first boi moved out and I felt that. Then a second boi climbed on my ass and began his fuckin. I also felt the difference in human cock versus dildo, and the sperm inside made my ass more slippery. It seems also that the warmth of the sperm made the new fucking more pleasurable. The more the boi moved the more delightful was my feelings. Eventually that boi also squirted all his liquid in my insides and now I had two loads making my life more, much more pleasurable. Why I held back for so long. That boi finished and another came back up. The same pleasure. The warmth of the sperm was incredibly sexually satisfying. This boi also took the time to penetrate me. And this one with so much male jism inside held his movements and the male jism began falling/dripping out of my “reservoir” and began running down my legs. Once he felt he could begin his fucking, he began his in/out and I was again transported to a paradise not felt before. Oh, yes, I was having all gay satisfaction and I guess now I have to stop my aversion to real boi cock. Alleluia!!! They continued for a while. I did not get off the horse for what I thought was a long time. My girls told me after that I had like 20 bois fucking my ass. And that from what they saw in my reactions I must have been in sexual heaven. I said yes, I was in sexual heaven. The story does not finish here. I have been fucked now many times by bois and I have had both my ass and my mouth full of boi cock and full of squirting jism inside of me. I have learned to swallow sperm and it is delightful. Not as good as pussy juices, but pretty good salty taste. Ok, until the next phase of my story . . . . . .
The Education of Caitlin Part 5
Caitlin and her best friend catch Ed with his hand in the cookie jar
I adjusted my sunglasses as I peered over the top of my newspaper. The warm August sum was making one of it's last stands as the summer was coming to a close. I watch as Caitlin and her best friend Samantha enjoyed the last weekend before the start of another school year. Samantha lives next door and I have watched her grow from a snot-nosed little brat into the fine young lady that was about to start her Freshman year of college.
I watched as her and Caitlin laughed and jumped around in the pool. It was nice to see Caitlin smiling again. The past year has been hard with her mother becoming sick. Her passing was a blessing in disguise. All those trips we thought were work related turned out to be for treatments for the inoperable brain tumor. One of her last wishes was that Caitlin and I get on with our lives and be happy, and for once she did look happy.
I watched as they splashed and dunked and grabed at each other. Hands grabing thighs, legs being pulled and entangled. Swimsuits being pulled, they looked like the two friends of old. But something was different. There was a gleam in Caitlin's eye. The same gleam that I saw when she gave me her virginity two years ago.
I stood up and folded the paper. "You girls enjoy the pool. I have something to work on and I'll be in my shop if you need me."
"OK Daddy." Caitlin managed to blurt out as Sam grabed her and pushed her head down under the water.
"We'll be ok pop's." Samantha laughed as she tried to get up on Caitlin's shoulders.
Samantha has called me pop's since the day her old man walked out on her and her mother so long ago.
Watching them two in the pool had gotten my juices flowing so before getting to work I thought a little fun was in order. I made my way into the house and headed down the hall towards Caitlin s room. That's where they were before they went swimming and that's where my treasure was buried. I glanced out the window to make sure they were still in the pool and began my search. The first pile of clothes I encountered belong to Caitlin. I moved her shirt and just below it were the panties she put on this morning. I scooped them up and headed around the bed to find Samantha's pile. She was a little neater than Caitlin and had her clothes folded in a neat pile on the chair. There nestled in the folds of her jeans were the prettiest pair of blue cotton bikini cut panties. I pulled them out and headed back towards the window. I peered through the mini blind as I looked for Sam and Caitlin in the pool. What I saw next threw me for a loop. Samantha was leaning against the ladder and Caitlin had her back pressed against Sam as Sam caressed Caitlin's breast. I could make out through the ripples in the water that Samantha had her hand down Caitlin's bikini bottoms. I watched as Caitlin leaned her head against Sam's shoulder and was enjoying the attention she was getting. My cock began to stir as I watched my little girl being fondled by her best friend. I opened Caitlin's panties and began to sniff at the crotch. She still smelled so sweet but now I knew the real reason for her lack of sexual interest in daddy. I watched as she gave herself to Samantha. I reached for the blue panties. It had been years since I have had Samantha's panties in hand. And now I was about to get my first sniff of her womanhood. I opened the panties and peered into the gusset. There was a slight stain where her pussy usually lies in hiding. I raised the gusset to my nose and inhaled deeply. The scent of this luscious little lass filled my nostrils. My head spun as her aroma filled every sense of my being. My cock stood rigid as it ached to be released from it's confinement. I was looking out the window, but my thoughts were full of Caitlin and Samantha as I stroked my cock with Caitlin's and sniffed Sam's panties. I imagined Sam's wet pussy pressed against my face as my tongue probed every inch of her womanhood. I imagined Caitlin's panty clad pussy sliding up and down the shaft of my cock as I ate Samantha's pussy. My cock throbed as I let the thoughts consume me. I lost all track of time and was brought back to earth by the sound of my name.
"Daddy?" Caitlin called out as I snapped back to reality
"Pops, how could you?" snapped Samantha as she rushed over to snatch her panties from my hand.
"I,I,I..." Was all I could blurt out.
"Shhhhh" Caitlin said as she held her fingers to my lips and lead me to the chair and sat me down.
"No need to explain anything to me Daddy. I know you like my panties." she spoke as she took some scarf's from her draw. She walked over to the chair and proceeded to tie my wrists to the arms of the chair.
"What are you doing, Caitlin." Samantha asked.
"Yes, what are you doing, Princess?" I asked too.
"Daddy, you were caught with our panties." she began. "you like the scent my pussy leaves in my panties, don't you?" Caitlin asked.
"Yes I do." I replied. " And when I saw Sam's pile of clothes, Well, I couldn't help myself."
I watched as Samantha's eyes grew wider and a smile grew across her face as she made eye contact with Caitlin. It was like they both got the same idea at the same time.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Samantha asked?
"Well, we did catch him red-handed. I would say he's guilty as charged. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time." Caitlin added, "Let's show him why our panties smell like they do Sam."
With that, Caitlin grabed Sam's hand and lead her to the bed. Ed watched as his daughter and her friend removed their swimsuits. He watched as Caitlin positioned herself on her back with her legs hanging off the bed. Samantha moved to the edge of the bed and knelt on the floor between Caitlin's legs. She began to caress her legs and slowly kiss her way up Caitlin's thighs.
Mmmmmm." Caitlin moaned as Samantha neared her pussy.
"You want to see why her panties smell very pungent these days, pop?" Samantha asked as she looked me in the eyes.
"Don't tease him, Sam, Just eat my pussy." Caitlin demanded as she grabed Sam's head and guided her lips to her pussy.
Ed watch as Samantha worked at Caitlin's pussy. She slipped her arms under Caitlin's thighs and wrapped them around her hips. Her fingers quickly found her lips and spread them wide to expose Caitlin's swollen clit. She wrapped her lips around it and began flicking it with her tongue.
"Mmmmm," moaned Caitlin. "I love it when you do that. Eat me, get me wet, get me ready for our cock." Samantha continued to lick Caitlin's pussy as Caitlin watched her daddy squirming in his chair. His hard cock formed a tent in his boxers. She knew it was time.
Samantha looked Caitlin in the eye as she released her suction on her clit.
"You mean, we can let Pop watch me fuck you with our cock?" Sam whispered.
"Yes, we can show him just how much his cock is loved." Caitlin told her. "Get the cock." she whispered to Samantha.
Sam released her grip and headed towards the dresser. She opened the draw and fumbled around with her back to Ed. Caitlin got up and walked over to her daddy and took his cock out of his boxers.
"I bet daddy needs to cum." she teased as she stroked his cock up and down slowly. A small drop of pre cum appeared from the tip of Ed' s cock as she stroked him.
"Yes, Princess, Daddy needs to cum so bad." Ed managed to blurt out.
"Well, Daddy should of thought about that before he came into my room and took the panties!" She said with a stern voice. "You just sit here and watch, Daddy, and if you behave, you just might get to cum." Caitlin said as she wiped the drop of pre cum and slipped my boxers down my legs.
"Do you rber when I had that project for my Sex Ed class where we made that mold of your hard cock?" she began.
"Yes, I do. Why do you ask?"
"Well, Samantha and I used that mold to make this!" And with that, Samantha turned around to reveal a replica of Ed' s cock strapped into a harness around her waist. He watched as she walked over to where he sat and stood there as Caitlin spoke.
"See how good of a job we did Daddy?" "I told you that yours was the only cock I needed."
Caitlin kissed her Daddy' s cheek and guided Samantha towards the bed. Ed watched as she laid Sam down on the bed and straddled her hips. Her Pussy just inches from the cock strapped to Samantha. His cock throbed as Caitlin grabed the cock and guided it into her dripping pussy.
"Mmmmmm" moaned Caitlin softly, "I need you to fuck me with your hard cock." She said as Sam grabed her hips and began to rock her back and forth. Caitlin rocked her pelvis on the cock as they began a rhythmic motion. Her rocking pussy matching Samantha's thrusts.
"Ride me Baby, Ride daddy' s cock." Sam blurted out as Caitlin picked up the pace a bit. "You know you want it, you know you need it."
"Yes, Fuck it, Fuck me, Fuck Daddy' s cock Princess." I spoke as I watched her ride the cock strapped to Samantha.
"Yes, Fuck me until you cum." Sam cried out as she rammed her pelvis into Caitlin's.
Caitlin felt the fire burning deep in her pussy as she fucked the replica of her Daddy' s cock. She leaned forward and placed her hands on Sam's shoulders and placed her weight on her clit as it rode up and down the shaft of the cock.
"That's it, Fuck it Princess. Fuck Sam and cum for Daddy." I said, my own cock ready to burst from the action going on just feet from my chair. I watched as Caitlin began her final climb to ecstasy. She began to ride faster as the sweat started to glisten on her skin. Her head thrashed back and forth as she pounded her pussy against the cock buried deep within her. With one last thrust she screamed out..." Fuck me Daddy, I'm going to cum!!!"
With that her whole body convulsed as the first wave of her orgasm erupted between her legs. Her chest heaved as she rode the cock deep within her pussy. Samantha reached for and cupped Caitlin's breasts in her hands and whispered "Cum for me, cum all over my cock."
I sat there helpless, my throbing cock needing some release of it's own. I watched as Caitlin collapsed onto Samantha and tried to recover from her orgasm. Then it hit me! Had Caitlin told Samantha of our little arrangement? Why had she showed me what they do with the dildo? Has my little girl turned Bi, or even yet, a lesbian? What was she up to I wondered as I watched them laying there on the bed
Daddy's Little Leelee
The story you are about to read is a complete work of fiction. None of the events depicted here actually happened. Any similarity to any actual person, place, or event is entirely coincidental.
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Seventeen years ago, my wife gave birth to a baby girl. Four years before that we’d had a son, and while every dad loves a son to carry on his legacy, for a father there is nothing quite so special as a daughter.
Every child is a mix of their parents, but Kimberleigh seemed to take the best qualities of her mother and I and ran with them. She stood about 5’6” and had my black hair and blue eyes, and her mom’s DD chest and curves. While my wife had been curvy and thick – two attributes that I’d greatly appreciated in my youth and still do today – Kimmie seemed to amplify those attributes by a factor of 10. She had her mom’s chest, a taut stomach flaring out into curvy hips and a buble butt that I just knew made boys drool. I’d been a young man once, and a body like hers had always done that to me. Hell, it still does. My daughter was a complete knockout, and had she been any other woman besides my daughter, I’d have been drooling over her myself.
All her life she’d been my sidekick, my little buddy. Typical daddy’s little girl. We went everywhere and did everything together. Then she became a teenager. Usually, regardless of how close a girl might be to her parents, as soon she hits about 14 the parents automatically become the enemy. Not so with my Kimberleigh. We remained close throughout her teenage years. I was still her Daddy, and she was still my little girl. I enjoyed spending time with her and her friends, not least of all because the pervert part of my brain – hey, I am a guy, after all – took great enjoyment in ogling the developing bodies of her hot teenage girlfriends. Little did I expect that my baby would end up not only being the hottest of the group but the object of those fantasies that had been, up to that point, reserved only for other people’s daughters.
One day those fantasies came to fruition in a way that I still wasn’t too proud of. On the day of my daughter’s 16 th birthday, her friends were all at the house for the pool party we threw her. All those young, ripe teenage bodies strutting around my yard in skimpy little bikinis were wreaking havoc on my libido. At one point I went into the house, slipped into the bathroom, and took my throbing erection in hand to stroke some of the tension away. Kimmie’s friend Sandi had apparently noticed the bulge in my trunks and followed me into the house…but the incredible blowjob that cute little teenage redhead gave me is a story for another time.
Fast forward a year or so. My daughter had plans to go out to a concert, and when her friends came to pick her up, she bounded down the stairs and bounced into the living room. “I’m gonna go, Daddy,” she said cheerfully.
I looked up from the book I was reading and gave my daughter the once-over. She was dressed in skintight low-slung hiphugger jeans tucked into knee-high stiletto heeled boots and a band t-shirt that I can only surmise had been ripped on purpose before she bought it. The shirt was torn high enough to reveal her flat stomach and low enough to expose a good deal of cleavage from her DDs that the part of my brain that controls my baser instincts took great pleasure in noticing were crammed into a bra that had to be a size too small. I gave her my best “oh really?” look and cocked an eyebrow at her.
“What?” she said mischievously.
Without a word, I got up, went to the coat closet, and handed her a zipup hooded sweatshirt. “Oh come on, Dad,” she said with fake exasperation as she rolled her eyes at me. Then our eyes met and we both broke out into huge smiles. This phony-irritated act was a little game we liked to play; she’d pretend to be all melodramatic, I’d look stern, and then we’d both laugh. And that’s what happened; our faces broke out into smiles and we laughed at the same time. She pulled on the sweatshirt, zipped it up – not all the way, she was a boy-hungry young woman, after all – then leaned in for a hug. “I love you, Daddy,” she said as she hugged me tight and kissed my cheek.
That baser instinct part of my brain, the hindbrain as it’s called, gleefully called attention to the fact that her body was pressed against me, her breasts nestled against my chest. I ignored it as best I could and hugged my daughter. “Have fun, Leelee,” I said, “and don’t be out too late.” Most people called my daughter Kimmie; Leelee was my own nickname for her. Nobody called her that but me, and we both liked it that way. Made it special.
“I know. See you later!” she said as she bounded out the door.
As time had gone by, my wife’s thick, curvy body that had turned me on so much when we were younger had begun to get thicker – the thickness was winning and the curves were gradually retreating. She was still a pretty woman, and was still pretty hot for her age, but as the years went by I’d been making love to her less and less. It’s not that I was unattracted to her, it’s just that having sex with the same woman for years and years can get boring. It’s not a great thing to admit, but it’s true. These days, whenever she wanted to get romantic, I had to think of another woman in order to get aroused enough to do the job on my wife. Usually those thoughts were of some actress, model, or porn star that I wanted to fuck. For a while after the incident I mentioned earlier, I’d thought of Kimmie’s friend Sandi while I fucked my wife. That night, those thoughts were to take a completely different direction.
As we lay in bed, me reading the same book from earlier, my wife put down her magazine and turned to me. She started rubing my chest and kissing my shoulder, sure signs that she was in the mood. I didn’t think I was, but I always felt bad turning her down. I turned to my wife and kissed her; as my hands found her heavy breasts, my mind started whirling, seeking the image that would turn me on enough to take care of business. I was completely shocked when the image that popped into my head was…Kimberleigh.
What the fuck…? I thought to myself. I hid my shock well, continued kissing and playing with my wife’s breasts, but my brain was filled with images. I saw my daughter naked before me, and in my mind, it was her breasts in my hands, her nipples in my mouth. My wife ground her hips against me, her signal that she wanted it, and in my mind it was my daughter pressing her young pussy against my crotch. I was disgusted but completely turned on; I had a hard-on unlike any that my wife had been able to give me for years. I could have done one of two things: stopped right there, gone into the bathroom, and puked from how disgusted I felt…or I could just go with it. It’s only a fantasy, I told myself. You’re never going to act on it, it’s just a thought, there’s nothing wrong with thoughts, so might as well enjoy it, right?
I threw my wife on her back and gave her the hardest fucking I’ve given her in a long time, all the while imagining that it was my daughter, our daughter, my Leelee on her back writhing beneath me with my throbing cock buried in her. I completely let go of my mental inhibitions and went with the flow, barely conscious of my wife orgasming beneath me, until, in my imagination, my daughter threw her head back and cried out “I LOVE YOU DADDYYYYYYY!!!” With that I lost it, slamming into my wife one last time as I pumped my cum into her gaping pussy. It was all I could do to keep from crying out my daughter’s name.
Afterwards, my wife drifted off to sleep with a satisfied smile on her face. I lay there staring at the ceiling, wondering just what the fuck was wrong with me. What kind of sick, twisted pervert, what disgusting piece of shit, thinks about fucking his own daughter like that?
Little did I know things were about to get even more strange.
A few weeks later, weeks filled with work, sun, and plenty of time out back by the pool with my kids and their friends – including Kimberleigh’s friend Sandi, who finally got to experience her friend’s daddy’s cock in her pussy, an experience about which we will hear more later – my son’s birthday rolled around. This was a special occasion; my son was turning 21. I promised him that on his 21 st birthday I would give him money and take him to the liquor store to buy his first six-pack. My father had done the same for me on my 21 st birthday, and I felt it was a tradition worth continuing.
After our trip to the liquor store, we set about getting ready for the party we were having. It was, naturally, going to be a pool party. For the first time, Kimberleigh expressed an extreme lack of excitement about being there. For a couple years now, my son’s friends had been ogling her whenever they were at the house. Again, having been a young man once, I understood where they were coming from. Growing up, I’d had a friend with a hot younger sister, and I drooled over her whenever I was over at his place. I’d actually slept with her once, an occasion which my friend never found out about. But back to the story. Kimmie wasn’t too thrilled about being surrounded by her brother’s hornball friends, and I couldn’t really blame her. Besides, I wasn’t too thrilled about Ben’s hornball friends eyeballing and hitting on my daughter either. So when she asked to be excused from the party, I was fine with that idea.
My wife came up with the idea that I should take Kimmie to the movies or something, have a little Daddy and Daughter time while she attended to the houseful of noisy young men. I had a sneaking suspicion that my wife enjoyed being the only woman surrounded by a group of testosterone-filled youth, and I was happy to allow her that pleasure. After all, I’d been the lucky recipient of the hormone-driven attention of my daughter’s hot friends, so why not let my wife have a little fun too?
After the movie, we called the house. The party was still going, so Kimmie and I decided to head to campus. I worked for a local university, and since it was summer break, the on-campus faculty housing was empty. As a mber of the administration I had access to all of the buildings on campus, and plenty were the times when the family and I had enjoyed a barbecue on the extensive lawns or a movie night in front of the big-screen TVs in the faculty houses.
We got to campus and opened up a house. It was our favorite, with a big wraparound back porch, pool, and a 60” plasma TV in the living room. It was a warm evening, so Kimmie decided to go for a swim. She disappeared out back while I put a baseball game on the bigscreen.
A couple innings later, I heard the shower in the back bathroom running. My daughter must have been done with her swim. Idly, I imagined her in the shower, the hot water cascading down over the curves of her nude body. I’d begun to be comfortable thinking of my daughter that way. In my mind, she wasn’t my daughter, she was just another extremely hot young woman. I was able to convince myself that as long as I thought that way, it was okay. I felt a stirring in my pants and tried to pay attention to the ballgame.
A short time after, Kimmie came into the living room with a towel wrapped around her. Her long black hair was still damp from her shower, obviously having been towel-dried. She bounced – my daughter never walked, she was so cheerful, she always seemed to bounce or bound or skip – over to the couch and curled up next to me. “Hi Daddy,” she said cheerfully. “What’s the score?” My daughter had always been a fan of watching sports with her daddy.
I told her and we settled in to a comfortable silence. She snuggled against me, the way she always had since she was a little girl, her legs tucked underneath her, and I put my arm around her shoulders. It felt natural and right, for her and I to be sitting there like that. As she squirmed to get more comfortable, the towel slipped from her top and out of the corner of my eye, I couldn’t help but notice that her full, ripe breasts were all but exposed. She didn’t seem to notice or mind, so she sat there like that and didn’t readjust the towel. It was all I could do to focus on the TV and not stare at my daughter’s exposed breasts, her dusky nipples peaking in the AC.
I shifted in my seat as my cock started to harden. Kimmie noticed me shifting uncomfortably and said “What’s wrong, Daddy?”
“Nothing, sweetheart,” I lied. “Just getting comfortable.”
She smiled. “I love snuggling with you, Daddy.” She put her arms around me and kissed me on the cheek, burying her face in my neck. I was all too conscious of her luscious teenage body pressed fully against me. The bulge in my pants started to throb, becoming harder and harder to ignore.
But wait. She wasn’t just sitting there. My daughter…was nuzzling my neck. I felt her lips brush my skin. “I love my daddy,” she whispered.
I sat there ramrod-straight and perfectly still, my mind reeling. What the fuck was going on?
As Kimmie shifted again, her knee brushed the throbing bulge in my pants. I heard the sharp intake of her breath. I sat perfectly still, waiting for her to jump up and run screaming from the room. Instead, she just whispered, “Daddy…?”
“Wh..what is it, sweetheart?” I mumbled.
“Daddy,” she said in a low voice, “you know I love you, right?”
“Of course I do, pumpkin.”
“And you know that I’m…” she paused, then went on, “…that I’m a young woman, right?”
“Ye-es,” I said hesitantly, not knowing where she was going with this. In an attempt to steer this conversation away from the weird place it was going, I followed with “But no matter how old you get, you’re always going to be my little girl.”
“Yeah,” she said in a kittenish voice. It was something I’d never heard from her before, at once innocent yet teasingly sexy. It was extremely arousing. “I’m always going to be your little girl, Daddy.”
I finally forced myself to turn and look at her. Her beautiful blue eyes looked up at me with love, admiration, and…something else.
“I’ll always be your little girl…” she breathed, “…but I’m not a little girl anymore.”
As she said this, I felt her hand slowly creep across my chest. It was an eerie copy of exactly what her mother does when she’s in the mood. “I love my daddy,” she said. “You’re the first man I ever loved, you know that, Daddy? My daddy is the only man I could ever need.” Her eyes were no longer looking into mine, but were pointed downwards and unfocused, like she was looking at nothing in particular. Her voice had an odd hitch to it when she said those words.
“Daddy…” she said, her voice a whisper.
“Y-yes, honey?” I replied, my mind struggling to make sense of this entire surreal experience.
“Daddy, I need you.”
Now this I could handle. “I’m always here for you, sweetheart, you know that.”
“I know,” she said, her eyes still staring downwards, her hand making circles on my chest. “And I need you for something, Daddy.”
“Anything, pumpkin. Anything at all. That’s what Daddy is here for.”
“Are you sure, Daddy?” she asked. Her eyes looked up into mine again, and this time, I knew what it was that I saw in them. It was desire.
Her hand drifted lower until it found the bulging hard-on in my pants. I gasped, and so did she.
I looked into my daughter’s eyes, my mind in turmoil. I knew what was happening, saw what was about to happen, and was warring with myself. This is wrong, I shouted internally, this is Leelee, your daughter, your little girl, you can’t do this! My hindbrain shouted back Oh no? Watch me!
Kimmie’s hand stroked my cock through my pants, our eyes locked together. “I need my Daddy,” she said softly. “I want my Daddy…”
When she leaned in and kissed me, I was still for a moment…then when I felt her tongue slide between my lips, my resolve crumbled. I kissed my daughter back, hard. I felt her gasp deep in her throat.
She slid into my lap, straddling my legs. The towel slipped to the floor and my hands, as they wandered her body, realized that she was naked. I cupped her ass and pulled her against me, letting her feel the hardness of my erection pressed against the pink slit of her womanhood. She immediately began rubing her pussy up and down the bulge in my pants, grinding into me.
“Ohhhh Daddy…” she breathed.
I broke the kiss and attacked her breasts. Her tits were large, round, full, and at 17, sat high and proud on her chest. I kissed and licked them, sucking her nipples into my mouth and gently biting them. She gasped and I felt a rush of heat from between her legs.
My hand slid up her thigh until I felt the warm wetness of her pussy. I rubed her clit gently and she moaned; then I slipped a finger into her pussy and she gasped. I fingerfucked my daughter – my daughter! – and she ground against my hand, gasping, her hips swiveling, until she had an orgasm. She moaned softly, then slipped to her knees in front of me.
With a mischievous look on her face, she said, “Now it’s your turn, Daddy.”
She undid my pants and pulled out my cock. I was harder than I’d ever been in my life. My eyes thrilled to the sight of my daughter’s full red lips engulfing my shaft, sucking my thick hardness into her mouth. Her tongue swirled around my cockhead, her lips stroking my length. Wherever she’d learned to suck cock, she was damn good at it. Better than her friend Sandi, I thought with wicked glee. This was wrong, this was totally wrong, it was disgusting, it was perverted, but fuck that shit! I thought. My daughter loves me, I love my daughter, and I’m going to show her just how much I love her.
With that, I stood up. Kimmie stood with me, looking at me with pure unbridled desire in her eyes. She kissed me again and I took off the rest of my clothes until we were both naked. “Daddy,” she whispered.
“Yes, baby?”
“Daddy, I want you.”
“What do you want from Daddy, honey?”
“You know what I want,” she said with a grin.
“Tell me.”
“Daddy…fuck me, Daddy. I’m such a bad little girl, thinking about fucking my Daddy, but I can’t help it. I love my daddy and I want him, please Daddy, please fuck me!”
There was one last stray thought of how wrong this was, but it got swept away in the heat of the moment. I took my daughter in my arms and laid her down on the couch. Her shapely legs spread wide, I took in the sight of her glistening pink cunt, shining with her dew. I couldn’t help myself; I leaned down and kissed her baby-smooth pussy lips, eliciting a sharp gasp from her. I let my tongue slide up and down her slit, circling her erect clit and sucking it, until she was squirming. “Oh god, I need it so bad!” she moaned.
I knelt between her wide-spread legs and positioned the tip of my cock against her slit. Her hips began moving, seeking to impale herself on me. I paused, my brain finally catching up to my hormones. “This…this is wrong, baby,” I said hesitantly.
“I know,” she replied with a wicked lilt in her voice.
“We shouldn’t be doing this, honey. You’re my baby, my little girl…”
“And you’re my Daddy,” she said. “Every little girl loves her Daddy. I want you to love me.” She raised herself up on her elbows and reached out for me, running her fingers down my chest until she reached my cock. She wrapped her little hand around my shaft, gently tugging it towards her. “Love me, Daddy, show me how much you love me…”
I couldn’t resist her. I never could, from the time she was a baby. With a groan, I slowly let the tip of my cock penetrate her tiny opening, feeling her tight teenage pussy stretch open to accommodate me. She closed her eyes and gasped, breathing heavy. With my eyes fixated on the sight of my cock disappearing into her young twat, I pushed my way in until I was buried inside my daughter.
Her eyes were shut tight and her mouth was open wide. Her body was trbling a little. Once her little pussy had adjusted to my man-sized cock, she opened her beautiful eyes and looked at me. “Oh Daddy, you feel so good in my pussy…ooooh, this is so bad, isn’t it, Daddy?”
“Yes, baby,” I said breathlessly. The feeling of her was so amazing I had to fight to keep from blowing my load then and there. “This is bad, this is very bad.”
She started swiveling her hips, stroking my cock with her little pussy. I closed my eyes tight and felt the very, very last of my resolve melting away. I leaned down, kissed her lips hard, and started to fuck her. My baby, my little girl, my beautiful daughter, was taking my cock like a pro and loving it…and I was loving the feeling of her, of her tight teenage cunt engulfing my rock-hard cock. I put my hands on her hips and pumped at her snatch, my cock burying itself balls-deep inside her. Her moans got louder and louder as she arched her back, pressing herself tightly into me with each deep thrust. Her hands reached out and found my chest, grasping for me. “Fuck me, Daddy, fu-u-u-uck meeeeeee!!”
I heaved her up further onto the couch and leaned in so I was completely on top of her. Her legs closed around my waist and her arms went around me, her nails digging into my back. Her raven-black hair splayed out over the cushion as she wrapped herself around me, pulling me deeper into her, until we were almost fused together. Her lips found mine and she kissed me deeply, her tongue swirling around inside my mouth. I put one hand on the back of her head and the other arm wrapped around her waist, holding her tightly against me. Our bodies moved together as one, her taut young frame molding completely to me, her amazing tits with their firm nipples burning against my chest. I’d never felt so connected to someone, so deeply intertwined with a woman, as I did with my daughter at that moment.
Her body began to stiffen and I felt her orgasm coming. “I’m gonna cum, Daddy,” she whispered, her voice coming in staccato rhythm. “I’m. Gonna. Cummmmm!”
“Do it, baby,” I growled in her ear.
“Tell me you love me,” she whispered urgently. “Call me my special name and say you love me...” she pleaded.
“I love you, Leelee,” I breathed into her ear. I’d never felt so honest or sincere in my life as I did when I said that. “I love my little Leelee, my little girl, my beautiful baby girl…”
She gasped deeply. “Oh god…I love you Daddy!” she just managed to get out before her body stiffened and then shook with the force of the orgasm tearing through her. She threw her head back and howled, her body bucking beneath me, her back arching and the walls of her cunt tightening around my cock, clamping down on me as she came. I felt her legs squeeze my waist and her nails dig into my back.
It was more than I could bear. I thrust as deeply into her as possible, felt my arms tighten around her, and the tingle of impending climax was replaced with the explosion of the most intense orgasm I’d ever had in my life. My own body stiffened as I erupted like a volcano, firing off what felt like a gallon of cum into my daughter’s hot, tight cunt. My cock throbed in time with each burst as I filled her young twat with the very seed that had made her.
Our cries of pleasure mingled as one as we rode out the waves of intense pleasure ripping through us like a neutron bomb. As our orgasm subsided, we lay there, still wrapped in each other’s arms, breathing heavy, not wanting to part from each other.
“I love you, Daddy,” came a faint whisper. I opened my eyes to see my daughter’s beautiful baby blues looking up at me. There were tears streaking her cheeks and a look of intense love and desire in her eyes. “I love you so much, Daddy.”
I felt tears forming in my own eyes. “I love you too, sweetheart,” I said in a husky whisper of my own. I kissed her lips gently. The love I had always felt in my heart for this beautiful young creature had multiplied a thousandfold. I always knew I would be there for her always, but now it was even more than that. I wanted her with me forever.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Feedback and constructive criticism are welcome. More to follow if comments are positive.